The Supreme Leader and the Cheerleaders (6)

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      The next morning, at school, Himiko was hiding underneath the bleachers again, waiting for Kokichi to put on his disguise. A few minutes later, he came back in his disguise to find Himiko looking over the headband with uncertainty. 

   "What'tcha lookin' at, babe?" he asked, gently nudging her shoulder questioningly.

   "'s just asked Miu to make this headband for you last night, but what if she asks why *I'm* wearing it?" Himiko asked. 

   "I see," Kokichi replied. "Good point! Here, lemme see it." Himiko handed the headband to Kokichi, who seemed to be looking around for something. "Hmm...I don't see anything around here that can help. Wait here a little longer, Himiko. I'll be back, 'kay?"

   "Nyeh, 'kay," Himiko replied. Kokichi hurried off back to the boys' locker room, making sure nobody was around to see him. Five minutes later, Kokichi returned with the headband, now completely wrapped in black fabric. 

    "Here ya go!" he said, handing it to her.

   "Oh, my! How did you do that?" Himiko asked, taking the headband from him. 

   "Nee-heehee...I cut off part of Mondo's jacket, and folded it over the headband," Kokichi replied impishly. Himiko's eyes bugged out. 

   "You did WHAT?!"

   "Don't worry! I was careful to cut out only the black part of it, and not the parts with the designs on it," Kokichi assured. "That way, he'll have no clue that you're wearing part of his jacket on your head!"

   "You promise he won't realize?" Himiko asked with a hint of fear in her voice. 

   "Trust me, he won't know," Kokichi said confidently. He took the headband from Himiko's hands, and placed it onto her head. "There! It looks just like a regular headband! It'll look even more normal from a distance, so if Mondo were to see you wearing it, he wouldn't suspect a thing! And even if he did, I'll just lie to him. I got your back, m'kay?"

   "Okay," Himiko replied with a smile and a small nod. "Thanks, Kokichi." Kokichi stroked Himiko's cheek, and gave her a wink. 

   "O-kay, Monkey Buns, let's get out there and shake our pom-poms!" Kokichi said.

   " do mean *these* pom-poms, right?" Himiko asked, gesturing to her own pom-poms in her hands.

   "Well, yeah. I can't be referring to your *other* pom-poms, since you don't have any to begin with! So, you'll have to settle for these," Kokichi teased, shaking the pom-poms in his hands at Himiko.

   "D-D-Hey!" Himiko stuttered. "I have pom-poms! They're just...not fully formed, yet! If anyone doesn't have pom-poms, it's *you!* You're a boy, after all!" Kokichi tilted his head in confusion at her.

  "What are you talking about? I *do* have pom-poms! They're plump and luscious!" he said. It was now Himiko's turn to look at him in confusion.

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