The Earth Kingdom (1)

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    "Uuuuhhhhgggg...." Tenko groaned as she tossed and turned in her bed, clutching her stomach. "It hurts so muuuuch!" Himiko and Angie stood at the edge of Tenko's bed trying to comfort her. 

   "Nyeh...don't worry, Tenko. It's just a stomachache," Himiko said, patting Tenko's shoulder comfortingly. 

   "Yes! Perhaps a trip to the bathroom will make you feel so much better!" Angie suggested. "After all, that is what Atua says." Tenko groaned louder, this time with annoyance.

   "I don't care...what your Atua says, Angie!" she groaned. "And besides, it's not...just my stomach that hurts. I also have...cramps! Mine tend to last...for, ugh...hooouurrrs!"

   "Oh, my! Poor, Tenko! You have to endure soooo much pain!" Angie chirped.

   "I knooowww...I hate pain!" Tenko whined. "My pain tolerance low!"

   "Kirumi did warn you not to eat so many cookies," Angie said. "Why did you not heed her warning?"

   "Her cookies...mfph...were so good!" Tenko replied as she writhed in pain. "I just couldn't...stop eating them!" Himiko looked at Tenko with worry. She turned to Angie and tugged at her sleeve.

   "Maybe we should go get Tenko some painkillers," she said.

   "Yeeeessss...pleeeaaasssse!" Tenko begged. 

   "Yes! Yes! Excellent idea, Himiko!" Angie replied cheerfully. "Do not worry, Tenko! Think happy thoughts until we return!" 

   "Uuurrgghhhh..." Tenko groaned in disgust and pain as Himiko and Angie left the room. They headed to the bathroom to grab some painkillers from the medicine cabinet. Himiko was dismayed to see that there weren't any left. 

   "Th-There aren't anymore!" she exclaimed. "Nyeh...poor, Tenko!"

   "There is no need to worry, Himiko!" Angie said. "Atua says that all we need to do is go to the drugstore to buy her more!"

   "I could have told you that," Himiko mumbled.

   "Come, come, Himiko! Let us tell Tenko that we will be going to the drugstore," Angie said, pulling Himiko along. "Tenkoooo...I have some good news and bad news!"

   "What's the...good news?" Tenko asked.

  "Himiko and I will go to the store to buy you more painkillers!" Angie answered.

   "You mean...there aren't the medicine cabinet?!" Tenko exclaimed.

   "Nyahahaha...Tenko, you're so smart! You've figured out the bad news!" Angie said. Tenko groaned and rolled over in pain. 

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now