Dead Girls Tell No Tales (10)

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    "Milky! Takie! One-Eye! Keelhaul! Fire up the cannons!" Cap'n Severedlocks ordered. Milky Miu, Taeko the Taker, One-Eye Ibuki, and Keelhaulin' Hina made their way to the cannons. 

   "Aye, aye, cap'n!" they all said, and began loading the cannons. 

  "FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!" One-Eye Ibuki shouted. The other pirates covered their ears as the cannons fired the cannonballs. One by one, each of the girls at the cannons would load each ball and shoot them off. Meanwhile, Kokichi grabbed Himiko's hand, led her to the cabin, and crouched beside the bed.

   "Hide under here, Himiko!" he said, lifting the blanket up from the side of the bed. 

   "Nyeh? Hide? Why?" Himiko asked frantically. Before Kokichi could answer, a cannonball from The Black Magic struck The Scurvy Lass, causing Himiko to cry out in fear. 

   "Just trust me, Himiko!" Kokichi shouted over the noise. "You need to hide in here, and do not come out no matter what until I come to get you, do you understand me?" 

  "K-Kokichi..." Himiko murmured in a soft, terrified whisper as she clutched his hands against her chest. 

   "And if anything goes wrong, just use your magic, okay?" Kokichi said. Himiko nodded, trying to mask her fear with a brave face.

   "Okay..." she said. "I trust you, Kokichi." Kokichi gave her a quick kiss.

   "Remember, stay in here, no matter what," he said. "Don't come out until I get you."

  "Okay," Himiko whispered.

   "And keep the Ring of Hope safe," he said. Himiko nodded and hid under the bed. Kokichi left the cabin to walk into what looked like a battlefield on the ship. Smoke from the cannons lingered as well as the smell of gunpowder. Suddenly, the cannons from The Black Magic stopped firing.

   "Hold yer fire!" Cap'n Severedlocks ordered, and the pirates at the cannons ceased fire immediately. Everyone aboard The Scurvy Lass waited in apprehensive silence to see what was going to happen next. Because of all the fog, they were only able to the silhouette of The Black Magic, which is why they were so surprised when they suddenly saw two figures emerging from the fog, swinging on ropes and cackling wildly. One of the figures was a tan-skinned girl with white pigtails holding a hammer and chisel in her mouth as she swung. Wen she landed, she immediately took the hammer and chisel from her mouth and ran wildly around the ship while wielding them and laughing maniacally. 

   "AAAHHHH...IT'S ANGIE THE CHISELER!!!" Stinkypants Tsumugi screamed as she and some of the other pirates started running from Angie the Chiseler. 

    "NYA-HAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!! LEMME CHISEL YER 'EAD!! LEMME CHISEL YER 'EAD!!! I JUST GOTTA CHISEL YER 'EAD!!!" Angie the Chiseler said, cackling wildly. The other figure was a girl with long, black braids, who opened her mouth and let out a raspy roar.

   "IT'S TENKO TUNA BREATH!!!" Jolly Roger Kaede shouted in fear. 

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