Kokichi's New Power (4)

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    "Ugh...are you done now?" Kokichi huffed with a pouty frown as he wiped the kiss marks from his face. 

   "Yeah, I'm done," Himiko replied, batting her eyelashes coquettishly at Kokichi.

  "H-Himiko! Control those goo-goo eyes!" Kokichi demanded, covering his face. 

   "Nyeh...sorry," Himiko replied. She blinked her eyes and took a deep breath. "Okay, it's over." Kokichi cautiously peeked from behind his hands to peer at Himiko. Her expression was back to her usual lazy one. 

   "Phew!" Kokichi breathed a sigh of relief. "Okay, are you ready now?" Himiko nodded her head in response. "Let's go." Kokichi took Himiko's hand in his and led her back to the hypnotized pawns in their scheme. "M'kay, Monkey Buns, here's the rundown: I'm gonna snap my fingers, and everyone is going to wake up, buuuut, they're going to wake up as different people."

   "Different people? How?" Himiko asked.

   "You'll see," Kokichi replied with a devious grin. He then snapped his fingers, and the others came to life immediately. 

   "Master Kokichi, how may I serve you?" all the boys asked in an elegant British accent, bowing to Kokichi. 

   "Mademoiselle Himiko, how may I serve you?" asked the girls in a French accent, curtsying to Himiko. 

   "Oh, my!" Himiko exclaimed, placing her hand on her chest in surprise. She looked over to Kokichi, who smiled mischievously at her. "W-What do I do?" Himiko asked.

   "Order them to do whatever you please," Kokichi replied. "Watch!" He scanned through the boys, trying to decide which one he wanted to boss around first. "Kaito!" Kaito snapped to attention. "Smack yourself in the face!"

   "Yes, sir," Kaito replied, bowing. Then, he held his hand out to the side of his face and slapped his cheek. 

   "Mwa-hahahahahaaaaaa!!!" Kokichi laughed evilly. "Now, you try, HimiCocoa Bean!"

   "Okay," Himiko replied. "Um...Kirumi! Do the, um...moonwalk!"

   "Oui, mademoiselle," Kirumi replied, curtsying. Kirumi spun 180 degrees, then began sliding her feet backwards across the floor, perfectly replicating the moonwalk. Himiko's mouth opened wide in delight. She and Kokichi giggled. "Nyeh...okay, this is really interesting!" Himiko said, bouncing with excitement.

   "Right?" Kokichi replied. "Nee-heehee...let the pampering begin! Kee-boy, build me a royal bed!"

   "Yes, sir," Keebo replied, bowing. Then, he bounded away, happy to obey his master's orders. 

   "Shuichi, set up my hammock outside!" Kokichi commanded Shuichi. 

   "Yes, sir," Shuichi bowed before heading out the back door. 

    "Rantaro, bake me a chocolate cake with extra chocolate frosting! Ooo, and add some sprinkles on top, will ya?" Kokichi ordered.

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