Cookies 'n' Dreams (9)

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    "Snoozydoodles! Get your Snoozydoodles here!" Himiko announced. Some students smiled kindly at her, but continued to walk. Other students scoffed or snorted at her, ignoring her completely. Himiko sighed. "It's no use." Three went up to her.

   "Don't give up, Himiko!" she said. "Um...maybe it would help if you gave them a reason to want your cookies."

   "What do you mean?" Himiko asked. 

   "Instead of waiting for customers to buy your cookies, do something to lure them in!" Three suggested. Three spied Kaito and Maki walking towards the school. "Ooo! There's some people! You know them?"

   "Yeah, that's Kaito and Maki," Himiko said. 

   "Maybe there's a way for you to draw them in," Three said. Himiko took a glance at her glittery snickerdoodles, and thought the perfect way to convince one of them. She jumped right in front of Kaito and Maki.

   "'Space...the final frontier!'" she announced dramatically. "'These are the travels of the starship, Booby Prize! Its continuing mission to explore strange new galaxies! To look for new life and new civilizations! To boldly go where no one has gone before!'" Kaito's mouth hung agape in amazement.

  "Hey! You know the opening sequence to Cosmic Quest! " he exclaimed. "That was pretty good, Himiko!"

   "Nyeh...if you liked that, then I think you'd like my Snoozydoodles!" Himiko said, gesturing to her cookies.

    "Snoozydoodles?" Maki repeated, raising an eyebrow.

   "You made space cookies?!" Kaito shouted excitedly.

   "Come see for yourself," Himiko said with a sly grin. Kaito hurried over, pulling Maki along. Maki noticed Three standing next to Himiko's table.

   "Who are you?" she asked.

   "Just a friend," Three simply answered. 

   "Whooaaaa!! Maki Roll, look at these cookies, Maki Roll!!!" Kaito shouted, holding up a cookie with both hands. "They look like stars, or somethin!'"

   "But, why are they called Snoozydoodles?" Maki asked Himiko.

   "Nyeh...I made those cookies special," Himiko explained. "You hafta eat them right before you go to sleep."

   "What'll happen then?" Kaito asked.

   "You'll have to wait and see," Himiko replied, grinning mysteriously.

   "This sounds like a prank Kokichi made up," Maki mumbled skeptically.

   "No, it's not a prank, I promise," Himiko assured. 

   "Ha! I believe her!" Kaito said as Three handed him a small baggie to put his Snoozydoodle in. 

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now