Frankenhamster (1)

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    It was a calm, cloudy day. Kokichi and Himiko were out in the front yard of Casa V3, playing a rhythmic hand-clapping game with each other and chanting. 

   "Fly, little bunny, on the way to the moon!" they chanted.

   "Sad that you're gone, but we'll see you next June!

   Strange things in space that the bunny did see!

  Name what he saw..."

  "...starting with me!" Kokichi said. "A comet!"

  "Earth!" Himiko said.

  "Mars!" Kokichi said.

   "Black hole!" Himiko said.

    "The Big Dipper!" Kokichi said.

   "!" Himiko stammered. 

   "Ha! Gotcha, Himiko!" Kokichi shouted triumphantly. "Pigs aren't in space!"

    "Nyeh...crud," Himiko mumbled. "I knew I shoulda stuck with the planets."

   "Nee-heehee...better luck next time, Monkey Buns!" Kokichi teased, nuzzling his nose against hers. 

   "You two!" a voice called to them. They turned to see Gundham Tanaka walking over to them with a serious face. With a cheeky grin, Kokichi placed his hands behind his head.

   "Gundy-goo! It's you!" he said. 

   "Cease your nonsensical name-calling this instant, you low-life varmint!" Gundham demanded. "I have to decided to summon you two for a very urgent matter of utmost importance."

   "Why us?" Kokichi asked. 

    "You both have been taking care of your goat, Billy the Kid, at the zoo, have you not?" Gundham responded. Kokichi and Himiko nodded. "And if I recall, you took care of poor Osiris before she met her...untimely demise."

   "Geez, why did you have to bring that up?" Himiko muttered dolefully. 

    "I am sorry," Gundham said. "My point is that I need your assistance."

   "Does it by any chance have to do with your hamsters?" Kokichi asked. Gundham glared at him.

   "Insolent fool! How DARE you call them hamsters!" he raged. "They are the Four Dark Devas of Destruction! Reducing them to mere hamsters is an insult to their true power! They can easily tear your puny body asunder and leave nothing but your fragile bones and marrow for the scavengers of the sky to feast upon! the power of the Four Dark Devas! Fu-hahahahahaaaaa!!!" 

   "Hahaha...I've seen Akane do the same thing to chicken wings!" Kokichi laughed. "Hey! Maybe she should be your fifth Dark Deva of Destruction!" 

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now