Psycho Saihara (2)

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    "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" the girls screamed, and the room erupted into utter chaos. In the darkness, the girls scrambled to get away, running over each other in the process.

   "Hang on! Let me-OW!" Maki screeched as someone bumped her in the head with what felt like the person's knee. Tsumugi jumped from her bed, and accidentally landed on Tenko, making her squeal and holler out in pain. Himiko screamed as she hid deep in her sleeping bag. Kaede and Miu stood up to run, but because of the darkness, they ended up bashing each other in the foreheads. 


   "IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!!" Kaede yelled back.

   "Everyone! Just calm down!" Kirumi tried shouting over the commotion.

    "Atua! Save as all from this darkness, and that evil lurking in the doorway!" Angie screeched at the top of her lungs. Suddenly, the light switched on, and the girls immediately shut up, and turned to see who had been standing in the doorway the whole time.

   "KOKICHI?!" they all exclaimed in unison. They looked at the slender object he had been holding, and realized that it was a long, rectangular box of little cakes.

   "Kokichi, what are you doing here?!" Miu demanded. "You scared the shit outta us!"

   "Nee-heehee...I just stopped by to give Himiko some Ritoru Debi cakes," Kokichi replied, walking inside, and handing the frantic Himiko the box. "Here ya go, Monkey Buns! I got you some strawberry swiss rolls!"

   " you, K-Kokichi," Himiko replied in a hoarse voice. With shaky hands, she took the box from him.

   "Why were you guys so freaked out just now, anyway?" Kokichi asked, noticing Himiko and the other girls' state of panic. 

    "Should we tell him?" Kirumi asked quietly. 

   "Hey, is everyone okay up there?" Kaito called from downstairs. 

   "U-Um...yeah! We're fine!" Kaede called back. "Quick, Tsumugi, shut the door, and turn the light off!" Tsumugi, who was closest to the door and the switch, did as she was told.

   "Whoa! Whoa! What's going on here?" Kokichi asked, as the room was now bathed in pitch blackness. Angie then turned her lamp on. 

   "Kokichi, we need to tell you something," Kaede said. "Sit down."

   "Okie-dokie!" Kokichi replied before sitting down next to Himiko. He wrapped his arms around her, and kissed her cheek. "What did you guys wanna tell me?"

   "Are you sure we should tell him?" Maki asked. 

   "We have to tell someone, Maki," Kaede insisted. 

   "Uuughhh...tell me what?" Kokichi asked impatiently. Before anyone could respond, there was a pounding on the door, causing everyone to jump and yell out in fright. 

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now