The Case of the Missing Pop Star (6)

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    Kokichi was awoken the next morning by the rain still pounding on the mansion. He yawned and sleepily rubbed his eyes. Himiko was still next to him, sleeping peacefully. He smiled as he climbed out of bed and pulled the covers further over her body to keep her warm. He went to the bathroom to wash up and get dressed in his own regular clothes. When he came back to his room, Himiko had already woken up. 

   "'s still storming outside," she grumbled sleepily. 

   "Yeah, well, the eye of the storm should be coming soon," Kokichi responded with a shrug. "In the meantime, I'll go downstairs to get something to eat. You get dressed and get washed up, 'kay?"

   "Okay," Himiko replied, and climbed out of bed. As she trudged sleepily to the bathroom, Kokichi made his way downstairs to find the others already awake and sitting at the dining table. 

    "He-eeeey, everyone!" he said as he sat down.

   "Hey, Kokichi," Sayaka said. "Since the power's out, Michiko went out to get us some takeout."

   "She's okay going out in this storm?" Kokichi asked. 

   "Out of all of us, Michiko's the next bravest after Izumi," Hibiki explained. 

   "Besides, the rain let up a little," Sayaka added. "So, I think she'll be okay." Across from him, Kokichi could see Yui with a sad expression.

   "Wow, Yui! You look so sad! What's wrong?" Kokichi asked. Yui looked up at him and forlornly shook her head. 

   "Nothing," she mumbled. 

   "Kokichi, leave her alone," Shuichi scolded. Kokichi gave Shuichi a cheeky grin before noticing Yui glaring daggers at Shuichi. 

   "I'm fine! I don't need your help!" she spat as her tears became puffy and wet. Shuichi looked at her in surprise. 

   "Y-Yui?" he asked. She was acting so much different than yesterday. Shuichi didn't have time to ask what was wrong, however, as a high-pitched scream echoed throughout the mansion.

    "KOKICHI!!!" Himiko's voice shrieked from upstairs. Sayaka, Yui, and Hibiki stood up in fright, while Kokichi and Shuichi bolted out of their chairs and up the stairs to find out what was going on with Himiko. Kokichi was the first one to enter her room with Shuichi right behind him. Sayaka and her friends joined them to see what was going on.

   "Himiko, what's wron-...OH, MY GOSH!!!" he exclaimed. Himiko's belongings had been taken out of her suitcase and strewn all over the floor. Kokichi ran up to Himiko, who was sobbing. With shaky hands, she handed Kokichi a note.

   "I...f-found this...on the...f-floor," she sobbed. Kokichi wrapped his arm around her waist to pull her closer for comfort.

   "'I hope you're reading this, detective! Get off the case or your little redhead friend joins Izumi! - Sneak Thief,' " Kokichi read. "Why, that little..." Kokichi growled. "They threaten my girlfriend, but they don't even bother to leave me a threatening note?! The nerve of that stupid culprit!"

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