The Creepy Carnival (2)

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    Himiko gasped in surprise at what she saw. She didn't know what to expect, but she definitely didn't expect to see a bright and colorful carnival with rides, games, and a bunch of kids having fun. Everywhere Himiko looked was full of life. The smell of food and the sound of calliope music filled the air. The sun was shining despite the sky being overcast just a few seconds ago. The kids were shouting with joy as they rode the roller coasters, others were smiling happily as they played the Ring Toss and other carnival games. There were kids who were smiling while eating snacks. A little boy smiled even when he dropped his ice cream. Himiko found that odd; no matter where she looked, every kid was smiling. Even though a carnival was a fun place to be, she didn't think these kids would be that happy to be here. She had to admit that it was rather unsettling.

   "Hi!" said a voice that suddenly appeared beside her. Himiko jumped and turned to her. She gasped when she saw a little girl around the age of six with hazel eyes and hair white as snow tied up in a little side ponytail. She wore a bright and sunny yellow dress and black mary janes. Her fingers were curled around a cone of cotton candy. But what creeped Himiko out was the wide smile on the little girl's face.

    "Nyeh...h-hi?" Himiko mumbled nervously.

   "I'm Yukiko!" said the little girl. "What's your name?"

   "I'm, um...Himiko," Himiko replied hesitantly.

   "Ooo! That's pretty!" Yukiko said, taking a bite of her cotton candy while keeping her gaze right on Himiko. 

   "Um...thank you," Himiko said. 

   "Where are you from, Himiko?" Yukiko asked.

   "Well...I'm actually not sure how to answer that," Himiko admitted. "I don't even know where this place is!" She then heard Yukiko gasp. For a split second, her smile disappeared. Then, as quickly as it came, Yukiko flashed Himiko her creepy smile again. 

   "C'mon, Himiko! I'll show you around!" she said.

   "Um...I don't know," Himiko mumbled, eyeing Yukiko nervously. "I have to find my boyfriend. We're kinda...both lost in here."

   "I'll help you find him!" Yukiko offered. "Please?" Himiko thought it strange, but she swore she could detect a hint of urgency in Yukiko's voice, as if she were pleading her. Himiko sighed apprehensively.

   "Okay. I'll go," she said. 

   "Yaaay!" Yukiko cried. She held out her hand for Himiko to grab it. Himiko cautiously grabbed hold of Yukiko's hand, and they began walking. Himiko looked around her. Some kids waved happily to her and Yukiko. Yukiko waved back, but Himiko merely stared back in fearful silence. She had never been to a place where everyone had the same creepy smiles. 

   "This place is great!" Yukiko said. "Doesn't it make you wanna smile?"

   "Well,, not rea-" Himiko began. Yukiko snapped her attention to Himiko with that creepy smile. It slipped a little, but she maintained it as well as she could, as if she were being forced. 

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now