Romeo and Juliet (9)

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    After school the next day, the students gathered in the auditorium for their next rehearsal. Kokichi and Himiko looked down from above on the catwalk, waiting for the announcement they knew Usami was about to make. 

  "Everyone...I'm sad to announce that Rantaro has officially dropped out of the play," she said tearfully. "That leaves Kaito as our new Romeo, now."

   "Haha, yes!" Kaito exclaimed. "I'm Romeo! I'm Romeo! I'll be the best Romeo the world has ever seen! So swear I, Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars!" Sayaka looked a bit disappointed. Then, her face became full of regret. She walked over to Usami.

  "Um...Usami? I don't mean to upset you, but if it's alright, I'd like to drop out of the play, too," she said. Himiko's mouth dropped open in shock, while Kokichi's mouth dropped open in both shock and delight.

   "Wha-Wha-Wha?!" Usami stuttered. "You, too, Sayaka? But...why?!"

   "Well...because, um...I think I'm going to be sick on the night of the play," Sayaka replied unconvincingly. 

   "How do you know that?!" Usami exclaimed.

  "Well...I'm psychic!" Sayaka replied. 

   "Ohh!" Usami cried out in despair, holding her ears in front of her eyes. "Fine...I guess Kaede will be the next Juliet, then."

   "Don't worry, Usami," Kaede said, leaning down and patting Usami on her head. "I won't let you down."

   "Thanks, Kaede!" Usami replied. "I haven't lost hope, yet! I can count on you!" 

   "That's what you think," Kokichi mumbled to himself as the students finished rehearsal and began to pack up to go home. He turned to Himiko. "Welp, since we don't have to worry about convincing Sayaka, you go ahead and talk to Kaede. I've got some business with Usami."

  "Nyeh...really?!" Himiko exclaimed.

  "Yeeaaah..." Kokichi replied with a devious grin. 

   "Well...if you say so," Himiko replied. They made their way down the catwalk, and said goodbye to each other before making their separate ways. Kokichi waited until Usami was all alone before going up to talk to her. She was covering her watery eyes with her tiny paws.

   "Ohhh...everything is going wrong, wrong, wrong!" she cried. 

   "I could help things go right, right, right!" Kokichi said. Usami gasped, and looked up to see Kokichi standing above her with his arms crossed smugly. 

   "K-Kokichi...what are you doing here?" she asked. 

   "I see that you're having...a bit of bad luck with students dropping out of the play," Kokichi said. 

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