Miu and the Mechanic (2)

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    "MIU?! EW!!" Kokichi exclaimed, sticking his tongue out in disgust. Himiko thrusted her hands onto Kokichi's mouth.

   "SHHH!!" she hissed. "Not so loud!" Kokichi removed her hands from his face.

   "Why do you want to play cupid for Miu?" Kokichi asked. "Of all the people you can choose from, why her ?!"

   "Well, because...I think she's lonely," Himiko replied, twiddling her fingers. Kokichi sighed, but he listened intently to what Himiko had to say. "I actually just got finished talking to her just now, and...I think she really wants a boyfriend."

   "Are you sure?" Kokichi asked.

   "Yes!" Himiko replied. "And, besides, if she had a boyfriend who really loves her, maybe she wouldn't be so annoying and make weird jokes about you, or anyone else, anymore."

   "Hmm, somehow I doubt that," Kokichi said, raising a skeptical brow. "Buuut if it means so much to you, Himiko, I guess I'll help."

   "Eeeeee! Thanks, Kokichi!" Himiko squealed happily as she threw her arms around him. "Nyeh...you're the best!"

   "I know!" Kokichi replied, flashing her a cheeky smile. "C'mon, let's go to my evil lair where we can plot our scheme!" Kokichi took Himiko's hand in his, and led her to his side of his and Gonta's room, where they sat on his bed to brainstorm. 

   "Oh! Do you have a pen and some paper?" Himiko asked. 

   "Hm? For what?" Kokichi asked.

  "To write down all the good candidates for Miu," Himiko replied. 

   "We don't have to do all that," Kokichi said, waving his hand dismissively at her. "I already know the perfect person for Miu." Himiko's eyes widened.

   "Nyeh!! Who?!" she asked. 

   "Kazuichi, of course," said Kokichi. Himiko opened her mouth to protest, but then she shut it in thought.

  "Oh, my!" she exclaimed. "That really is a good idea! They both like working with machines, and they both...you know...like to talk about weird...things!"

   "Nee-heehee...they're both pervs is what you're trying to say," Kokichi said, snickering.

   "Yes!" Himiko shouted. She grabbed Kokichi's shoulders, and began shaking him back and forth. "Nyeeeeh...you...are...so...smart...Kokichi!" Then, she threw her arms around him, and began kissing his cheek repeatedly. "Mwah! Mwah! Mwah! Mwah! You are such a liar-liar-smarty-pants-on-fire!"

   "Welp, can't argue with that," Kokichi replied. "O-kay, Himiko, now that we've got the guy we want to set Miu up with, we need a way for them to actually get together."

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now