Dead Girls Tell No Tales (4)

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    "Aarrggghh...what did ye call me, boy-o?" asked the captain who resembled Mikan. She brandished her sword at Kokichi, who was still holding a cold and tired Himiko in his arms. 

   "You're Mikan, right?" Kokichi asked. "Mikan Tsumiki?"

  "Aye, Mikan be me first name, but I discarded 'Tsumiki' a long time ago!" the pirate replied. "I go by the name Cap'n Mikan Severedlocks, now! I can sail the seas with a name that strikes fear in every pirate's heart!"

   "Mikan Severdlocks?" Kokichi repeated. 

  "Aye! Ye have a problem with that, landlubber?!" Cap'n Severedlocks roared. 

   "No, not really," Kokichi replied. He looked to the others behind Cap'n Severedlocks. He noticed that not only was the crew all girls, but girls he knew personally, or at least, he thought he did. "What are you all doing here?!" he asked incredulously. "What the crap is going on?!"

   "Watch yer mouth, ye scallywag!" Cap'n Severedlocks scolded, then gestured to her crew. "You're aboard me ship, The Scurvy Lass, and this is me crew: Peko Peko-Pegleg, Milky Miu, Naptime Nanami, Swashbucklin' Sonia, Taeko the Taker, Sea Shanty Sayaka, One-Eye Ibuki, Jolly Roger Kaede, Stinkypants Tsumugi, Keelhaulin' Hina, Hiyoko the Hooker, and Kirumi the Cleaner...but we just call her 'Cleanie,' aye!"

  "Hahahaha...for real?!" Kokichi laughed. Cap'n Severedlocks and her crew narrowed their eyes at Kokichi.

  "What ye be laughin' at, bucko?" Cap'n Severedlocks asked in a low, threatening voice. 

  "Oh! Sorry," Kokichi said. "I'm just confused at some of your names." He gestured to some of the pirates. "Like, why is your name Stinkypants Tsumugi, and yours, Hiyoko the Hooker?"

   "I got hooks fer hands!" Hiyoko the Hooker exclaimed, showing her hands which were, indeed, replaced with hooks. "Because o' these blasted things, it be hard fer me to put me clothes on! I have to ask one o' these blasted idiots fer help!"

   "Yer callin' us blasted idiots?!" Keelhaulin' Hina shouted incredulously.

   "Aye, don't be callin' us idiots when ye can't e'en put yer own clothes on yerself!" Jolly Roger Kaede scolded. The other pirates laughed at Hiyoko the Hooker, who began to pout.

   "Ye wanted ter know why me name is Stinkypants Tsumugi, aye?" Stinkypants Tsumugi asked Kokichi, who nodded. "It's because I'm so plain busy tryin' ter sew me shipmates' clothes all th'time that I don't have time fer meself to change me pants!"

   "Ah, um...okay?" Kokichi replied, sticking his tongue out in disgust. "Well, anyways, listen, you guys. I don't know what exactly is going on here, but Himiko and I need help. We need a way to get back to-"

   "SHIVER ME TIMBERS!!" Swashbucklin' Sonia cried, pointing at Himiko. "'Tis her!" The other pirates huddled closer around Kokichi and Himiko to get a better look at Himiko. They gasped upon seeing her more clearly, then they all brandished their swords at Kokichi and Himiko. 

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