Romeo and Juliet (4)

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      "Those who want to audition for the role of Romeo, please, step up!" Usami announced in the auditorium after school. The auditorium was surprisingly filled with many students who wanted to audition, and others who just wanted to observe. Kokichi and Himiko were, of course, there to watch the beginning of their plan unfold. They watched as Rantaro, Nagito, Gundham, Makoto, and Kaito took the stage, and formed a single-file line. 

   "Nyeh...out of all those guys, Kaito will probably get the part," Himiko said. 

  "Hmhmhmm...that's what we're hoping for," Kokichi replied, chuckling evilly, and tapping his fingertips together with malicious anticipation. "But we shall see. Let's not speak too soon."

   "Rantaro, you're up first," Usami said, motioning for Rantaro to enter centerstage. Rantaro began reading from the script in his best Romeo voice. When he finished, the audience clapped, and Nagito went up next. Each of the boys took their turn centerstage to audition for their part for Romeo, with Kaito being the last one. 

  "Juliet! Juliet! Wherefore art thou, Juliet?!" Kaito exclaimed.

   "Um...actually, Kaito, it's 'Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou, Romeo?'" Usami corrected. 

   "Huh? But why would I ask that about myself?" Kaito asked, perplexed.

   "You don't," Usami replied. "That's not your line, it's Juliet's."

   "Ohhhh! Haha! My bad!" Kaito laughed sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head.

   "It's okay to read off of the script, you know," Usami said. "Go ahead, try again! You can do it!" 

    "Nah, I don't need the script! I got this!" Kaito said confidently.

   "Well...if you're sure," Usami said. "Action!" Kaito cleared his throat, and thrust his hand into the air.

   "Soft butt that which through yonder breaks the light!" he announced dramatically. "The window is east of the sun!"

   "Nyeh...I get what you meant by speaking too soon," Himiko whispered to Kokichi. "He might not get the part, after all." Kokichi merely smiled impishly at her, and affectionately pinched her cheek. 

   "That's fine," he said. "It'll make things a lot more fun and interesting for us."

   "Um...thank you, Kaito," Usami said. "That's enough for now."

    "I got the part, right?" Kaito asked eagerly.

   "Well, you won't know until tomorrow when I've posted the parts on the bulletin board outside the auditorium," Usami replied. "Just...make sure you practice some more."

   "Ha! That's pretty much a hint that I got the part for sure!" Kaito said. "You might as well just announce me as Romeo!"

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