Partners In Crime (Phantom Thief AU)(7)

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     "Kokichi!" Himiko whispered excitedly as she sat down next to him at his table. "I have something to tell you!"

   "Um...why are you whispering?" Kokichi asked. "We're the only ones here." Himiko looked at the table Kokichi was sitting at and realized that he had been eating by himself the entire time. Though she understood why he always ate alone, she couldn't help but feel slightly bad for him now. 

   "Um, has something to do with what just happened," Himiko said in a low voice to make sure nobody was listening.

   "You mean the thing with Junko? What about it?" Kokichi asked. 

   "Well, after Junko left, I overheard Shuichi and Kyoko coming up with a plan to know...*your friend,*" Himiko said. Kokichi gave her his full attention, and a small smirk began to creep onto his face.

   "Oh? Let's hear it, then," he said. Himiko smiled and nodded.

   "Nyeh...okay, well, Shuichi and Kyoko are planning to question the people who recently got their stuff taken away by Junko," Himiko explained. "Hina, Hifumi, Teruteru, Kazuichi, Celeste, Tenko, Mahiru, and Gundham. They're going to question them because they think one of those people might be the Phantom Thief."

  "M'kay," Kokichi mumbled as he listened intently. 

  "Then, after they question them, they're going to investigate Junko's mansion, hoping to find any clues there," Himiko continued. "They're planning on luring the Phantom Thief over there because he's their number one suspect of stealing Junko's stuff last night."

  "I see," Kokichi replied, twirling a strand of hair the same way a villain might twirl his mustache. "And how do they plan on doing that?" 

   "Well...that part is kinda weird," Himiko admitted. "They're apparently going to somehow trick Junko into stealing-"

   "MIKAAAAAAANNNN!!!" Junko screamed as she reentered the cafeteria. She strode angrily over to Mikan, who was cowering and whimpering with fear.

   "Y-Y-Yeeess?" she whimpered. Junko pointed furiously at her.

   "You said that my fashion designs SUCK?!" Junko roared. 

   "N-No...I w-wouldn't s-say such a thing," Mikan stammered fearfully. 

    "I bet you did!" Junko growled. "You're just jealous because you don't have any fashion sense yourself! I mean, just look at you, wearing that poor excuse of an outfit! It makes you look fat! And your hair is a mess, just like the rest of you!"

   "Eeeee....I'm so sooorrryyy..." Mikan wailed. 

   "So you admit it?!" Junko snarled.

   "N-No...I really didn't say that," Mikan replied. "I s-swear!"

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