The Baby Pageant (2)

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   Kokichi and Himiko made it back home by noon. Kokichi walked through the door with determination. Himiko stared at him intently, wondering what he was concocting in that scheming brain of his. He led Himiko into the dining hall, and found what he was looking for. His smile turned devious, and his eyes had that same fixated look that a predator has on its prey. 

   "Heeey, Ryoma," Kokichi said impishly as he sat down in the chair next to Ryoma's. Himiko sat down on Kokichi's other side, wondering why Kokichi wanted to talk to Ryoma. Ryoma looked up and stared at Kokichi with a wary expression. 

   "I'm leaving," he said, and turned to lower himself from his chair.

   "Leaving? Why?" Kokichi asked. 

  "I don't like your face," Ryoma replied.

  " think I'm ugly, Ryoma?" Kokichi whimpered as tears formed in his eyes. "WHY'RE YOU SO COLD TO ME, RYOMAAAAAA?!?!" he sobbed.

  "That's not what I meant," Ryoma said. "That face you made just now means you're up to something, and I don't want anything to do with whatever you're planning."

   "Ohhh!, Ryoma, you know me so well! I'm impressed!" Kokichi said with a cheeky grin. 

   "Yeah, I'm sure," Ryoma replied. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got business elsewhere." He left the dining room. Kokichi merely sat there with an evil grin, tapping his fingertips together as he chuckled mischievously.  

   "Nyeh...Kokichi, why did you want to talk to Ryoma?" Himiko asked. Kokichi smiled and raised a mischievous brow at her as he reached out to stroke her chin. 

   "Ryoma is our ticket to entering that baby pageant, Himiko," Kokichi murmured. "He is the perfect size, after all." Himiko's eyes widened as she finally realized what he was getting at.

  "You're gonna make Ryoma dress up as a baby?! " she whispered incredulously.

  "Hmhmhmmm...only if he doesn't agree to it at first," Kokichi replied with an evil chuckle. 

   "Nyeh? What do you mean by that?" Himiko asked. Kokichi wrapped his arm around Himiko's shoulder and kissed her cheek.

  "You look tired, Monkey Buns," he said. "Why don't you take a nap, m'kay?" Himiko yawned.

   "Well...I haven't taken my afternoon nap, yet," she said. "Okay, Kokichi. I'll go take a nap."

   "Alrighty! Nighty-night, babe!" Kokichi said.

   "Nyeh...goodnight," Himiko replied sleepily. After Kokichi gave her a kiss, she trudged out of the dining room. Grinning deviously, Kokichi slinked over to Ryoma and Keebo's room and knocked on their door. Keebo answered the door.

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now