Miu and the Mechanic (6)

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     "Behold, maggots!" Miu announced as she strode into the living room later that afternoon. "I got a date tonight!" She showed everyone the note she found in her locker earlier that day.

   "With who, Miu?" Tsumugi asked. 

   "Ha! That's the best part!" Miu said. "I got a secret admirer!"

   "Ooo! Ooo! A secret admirer?" Angie asked. "What a miraculous mystery!"

   "Yeah...sounds pretty exciting," Rantaro agreed. 

   "Well, duh-doi! Why wouldn't I have a secret admirer? Who wouldn't admire a busty, blonde hottie like me?" Miu bragged. 

   "Nee-heehee...they're your secret admirer for a reason," Kokichi snickered. "Because they're too embarrassed to admit that they like you."

   "SHUT THE HELL UP, YA SHIT-STAINED BUTTCRACK!!" Miu demanded. "Anyway, I'm going to meet my secret admirer at Chez La Vie tonight at 7:00."

   "Shouldn't you be getting ready, then?" Ryoma pointed out. 

   "Yeah, Miu, what are you going to wear?" Kaede asked. "Do you even have a dress?"

   "Hopefully one that covers that baboon butt?" Kokichi added with an impish grin.

   "What?! I don't have a baboon butt!" Miu spat, and turned her butt to Kokichi. "I got a nice ass, for your information!"

   "Nee-heehee...I was talking about your face!" Kokichi laughed. Miu glared at Kokichi.

   "You'll see, Ko-coochie! I'll find a dress so frikkin' amazing that it'll knock you off your dick!" Miu spat. She then tromped out of the living room and headed to her room. An hour later, Miu strode back into the living room with a tight-fitting, strapless, bubblegum pink dress with frills at both the top and bottom of it. Her hair was tied up into a ponytail. On her feet were pumps with a slightly darker shade of pink.

   "Wooow, Miu! That dress is perfect for you!" Kokichi marveled. 

   "R-Really? You really think so?" Miu asked in surprise. 

   "Yeeaahh..." Kokichi said. "...it's garbage!"  

   "URGH!! Why, you little..." Miu growled.

   "You look just fine, Miu," Kaede said. "Here, let me help you zip your dress up." Kaede helped Miu zip up her dress.

   "Thanks, Lackluster Rack!" Miu said. "Now, this golden-brained girl genius is off to her first-...er, I mean...100th date, or something! I dunno...I've lost count after dating so many guys and having to break their hearts afterwards."

   "Just go, already," Kiyo said. "That garish dress is hurting my eyes."

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