The Earth Kingdom (3)

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    "No! We're not here to have fun," Himiko reminded Kokichi, wagging her finger at him. "We came here to find punzelberries for Tenko!"

   "So...this whole forest is the kingdom of...'Tervidium,' or whatever it's called?" Kokichi asked, looking around at the scenery in awe.

   "'Terra Viridi,'" Himiko corrected. "And, no, this is the forest outside the kingdom of Terra Viridi. It's called the 'Emerald Forest.'"

   "D'oh, but you said we were going to Tutti Frutti, not the forest of Tutti Frutti!" Kokichi huffed, crossing his arms in disappointment. "I wanna see what the kingdom looks like!" Himiko sighed.

   "I'm sorry," she apologized. "I didn't think the puddle would bring us to the Emerald Forest; I thought it would take us inside the kingdom, and we'd have to walk through it to get here where the punzelberries are located."

   "Oh? You can't control where the puddle takes you?" Kokichi asked.

   "No, that's part of the reason why puddle travel is tricky," Himiko replied. "It might take you exactly where you need to go, or it might take you somewhere near where you need to go. It all depends on where a puddle is located. The puddle knew to take me to Terra Viridi because I silently wished to go there, but because this is the closest puddle located near Terra Viridi, it brought us here instead."

   "Oohh, I see!" Kokichi replied. "Well...that's too bad. I really wanted to see Tarantula Vision."

   "'Terra Viridi! '" Himiko corrected. "And maybe we'll come back some other-"

   "Excuse me?" interrupted a voice from behind them. Kokichi and Himiko turned to see a girl around their age with a lost and worried expression. She had tan skin, red eyes, and black hair. She wore a dark red dress and a pair of black ankle boots. Her eyes brightened when she noticed Himiko. "Are you a Guardian Mage?" she asked.

   "Nyeh...that's right!" Himiko replied, smiling proudly. 

   "Oh, thank goodness!" the girl exclaimed. "I need your help!" Himiko bowed elegantly to the girl.

   "Of course, fire mage," she replied. "How may I assist you?"

   "My name is Bonnie Fyre," replied the fire mage. "I was sent here to, um...make a trade with the king!"

   "Oh, my! You're Princess Bonnie!" Himiko gasped in astonishment.

   "You're a fire mage princess?" Kokichi asked Bonnie. Bonnie nodded.

   "Yes, I'm Princess Bonnie of Obsidian," she replied, giving Kokichi and Himiko a dainty curtsy. Himiko curtsied back.

  "It is an honor to have you in our presence, Princess of Obsidian," she said. "I'd be happy to assist you in any way."

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now