Substitute Kokichi (3)

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   "Sooo...what do you want me to do first?" Fuyuhiko asked as he and Himiko sat down underneath the gazebo. 

   "Nyeh...DO HIS LAUGH!!!" Himiko exclaimed with excitement. 

   "Um...okaayyy?" Fuyuhiko replied with uncertainty. He cleared his throat. "Um...nee...hee...hee?"

   "No, no! You have to laugh like you mean it!" Himiko pouted.

   "Himiko, I'm not exactly the silly, happy-go-lucky type of person that Kokichi is," Fuyuhiko said. 

  "Nyeh...that's okay, it's not that hard!" Himiko said encouragingly. "It helps if you put your hands behind your head, like this!" Himiko clasped her hands together and put them behind her head. 

   "Um...okay?" Fuyuhiko replied, and did the same thing.

   "Now, smile big, like this!" Himiko said, smiling and showing her teeth. 

  "Okay, the hands-behind-my-head thing, I can do," Fuyuhiko said. "Smiling...not so much."

   "First time for everything," Himiko said. Fuyuhiko sighed. Slowly, his lips curved into a smile, but instead of it being Kokichi's usual cheeky grin, it looked more ominous and scary. Himiko frowned. "That's not right. You can't smile like you're going to pull someone out of the microwave and eat them."

   "What the...I didn't look like that!" Fuyuhiko exclaimed. "And like I said, smiling is not something I'm used to doing that much."

   "Think of something that makes you really Peko," Himiko suggested. 

   "She doesn't..." Fuyuhiko began, but then paused. Surprisingly, a blushed formed on his cheeks, and a shy smile crept across his face. "Dammit..." he muttered. "You got me there."

  "Nyeh! Now use all that Peko energy to make a nice, big Kokichi smile!" Himiko said. Fuyuhiko took a deep breath. He placed his hands behind his back and smiled a big Kokichi smile. "You did it! Now...laugh like Kokichi!"

   "Nee-heehee!" Fuyuhiko said, mimicking Kokichi as best as he could. As soon as he did, he immediately placed his hands over his mouth. "Oh, my God...I really do sound like him!" he whispered with horror. Himiko's shoulders were scrunched with excitement and anticipation.

   "I KNOW!!! ISN'T IT GREAT?!" she shouted happily, clapping her hands together.

  "No, not really!" Fuyuhiko exclaimed, shaking his head. 

   "Okay, okay, me 'Monkey Buns!'" Himiko breathed. Fuyuhiko squinted his eyes at her, perplexed.

  "Call you...what?! " he asked.

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