The Baby Pageant (1)

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    "Nyeeeeh...Kokichiiii, I'm bored," Himiko whined one Saturday morning as she trudged into Kokichi and Gonta's room. She plopped herself onto Kokichi's bed and leaned her head on his shoulder.

   "'s nice to be on the other side for once," Kokichi laughed, ruffling Himiko's hair affectionately. "M'kay, how about we...prank Kaito?"

   "We did that on Thursday," Himiko said. "And Kaito still hasn't gotten all the glue out of his hair, so he's still out to kill you."

   "Yeah, you're right," Kokichi replied, nodding. "! Let's go do some magic in your magic-y room!"

   " takes so much work to chant spells and mystically wave my arms all over the place," Himiko groaned. 

   "Okay, then," Kokichi said thoughtfully. Just then, a naughty smile crossed his face. "Wanna make out?" Himiko opened her mouth to reply, but a blush formed on her face, as well as an impish smile of her own. She looked up at Kokichi.

   "Well...I think I am in a kind of romantic mood," she admitted. 

   "Okay, then, let's go!" Kokichi said, holding Himiko's hand and leading her out of the room. "Where should our make out spot for today be?"

   "Hm, how about the park?" Himiko suggested. 

    "Nah, I don't think so," Kokichi replied, scrunching his face. "It's Saturday, which means there's probably gonna be a lot of kids there. We don't want them interrupting us."

   "You're right," Himiko agreed, tapping her chin in thought.

  "Ooo! I know! How about on top of the hill in the backyard?" Kokichi said. "That place is always pretty romantic!" Himiko shuddered.

   "Yeah, but this is the time of year when the bugs are everywhere," she said. "Remember what happened when we made out last week? A bee flew on my arm and I freaked out." Himiko paused to pout at Kokichi. "You laughed at me."

   "Nee-heehee...that was the fastest I've ever seen you run," Kokichi said. "It was kiiiinda funny!"

   "It wasn't!" Himiko huffed, poking out her lower lip.

   "I'm sorry, Monkey Buns," Kokichi said with a cheeky smile. He leaned in forward to kiss her cheek. "Welp, if it's not the park, or the backyard, where do you wanna go?"

   "Maybe somewhere secluded so nobody can interrupt us?" Himiko thought out loud. 

   "Yeah! And dark!" Kokichi added. "I know the perfect place!"

   "What place?"

  "The movie theater!" Kokichi replied. 

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now