Dead Girls Tell No Tales (7)

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   "G-Guyrens?" Himiko asked in concern as they continued to approach the storm and jagged rocks.

   "Aye," Cap'n Severedlocks nodded grimly. "Handsome mermen with singing voices that'll tickle yer fancy. But don't let them get too close. They'll try to seduce ye, and that's when their true colors as sea demons show. Monstrous creatures, they are, an' we're headin' into their territory, aye!" Suddenly, they felt rain pouring down on them. "Quick! Get inside! And make sure to plug yer ears!" Himiko nodded and headed quickly towards her and Kokichi's cabin. Before she could reach the cabin however, a bolt of lightning struck right in front of her. A loud thunderclap rang through her ears as if the Earth itself had shattered in half. 

    "AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" Himiko screamed. Himiko fell backwards as the ship suddenly began rocking back and forth violently as it had now entered the rough, stormy waters. 

   "FIRE!! CAP'N!! A FIRE ON DECK!!!" came the screaming voice of Hiyoko the Hooker. 

   "BLAST!" Cap'n Severedlocks exclaimed. "Cleanie! Hooky! Takie! Take care o' that fire!" Kirumi the Cleaner, Hiyoko the Hooker, and Taeko the Taker doused the fire out with water from one of the nearby barrels. 

   "HIMIKO!!!" Kokichi called out through the noise of the raging storm. As the other crew members worked to steer The Scurvy Lass through the choppy waters, Kokichi swayed violently with the ship as he tried to reach Himiko. "HIMIKO!!!" he called out again. 

   "AAAHHH!!! KOKICHI, HELP ME!!!" Himiko screamed. Kokichi looked around frantically for her, but she was nowhere to be found. 

   "HIMIKO!!!" he screamed with desperation. "WHERE ARE YOU?!"

  "I'M...OVER...HERE!!" Himiko called back. Kokichi looked to his right and saw with horror that Himiko was hanging onto the railing for dear life above the churning seawater. The water was crashing against the ship as if it were eager to claim Himiko's life. "HELP MEEE!!!" she screamed again. As best as he could through the swaying of the ship, Kokichi made his way to the railing and reached for Himiko's hands. 

   "HOLD ON, HIMIKO!!!" Kokichi screamed. Through the deluge of rain, Kokichi could see the fear and desperation in Himiko's eyes. "HOLD ON!!!" he screamed again. He held tightly to Himiko's hands. He was afraid to pull her up, fearing that he'd drop her due to the ship rocking so violently. "YOU'RE GONNA BE OKAY, HIMIKO!!! I'VE GOT YOU!!!" Tears streamed from Himiko's eyes.

   "KOKICHI!! I'M SLIPPING!!!" she screamed in terror. 

   "NO, HIMIKO!!! I'M NOT LETTING GO!!!" Kokichi called back. "I WON'T LET YOU GO!!" After a few harrowing minutes, the ship miraculously slowed to a steady rocking as it passed through most of the storm. Kokichi and Himiko smiled at each other in relief. He began to pull her up when he suddenly heard distant singing. "What is that?" Kokichi asked. The haunting voice was deep and comforting, almost like a lullaby. Kokichi looked down at Himiko, whose face was now expressionless. "Himiko?" Kokichi said worriedly. Wordlessly, Himiko looked below her as if entranced by the beautiful singing. Kokichi followed her vacant gaze to a familiar boy's head popping out of the water. The boy had wild, white hair and green eyes that appeared nonchalant. 

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