Kaede's Dirty Little Secret (3)

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    "Sss...auuugghhh!! It hurts!!" Kokichi wailed as Kaede walked into her room with a stunned expression. 

  "W-What's going on in here?!" she cried. "What are you two doing?!"

   "Nyeh...Kokichi hurt his leg!!" Himiko cried, kneeling next to Kokichi. "We gotta help him!" Kaede rushed over to Kokichi. As soon as she knelt down next to him, Kokichi grabbed her shoulders.

   "GOTCHA!!" he shouted. Startled, Kaede fell backwards. Kokichi started laughing at her. Kaede stood up, glaring at Kokichi.

   "S-Seriously?!" she cried as she dusted herself off. "All that just to scare me?! What's wrong with you two?!"

   "Nee-heehee...well, it wasn't really meant for you," Kokichi said. "Himiko and I were hoping to scare Miu. It just so happened that you came along instead."

   "Ugh...you two and your pranks," Kaede muttered. 

   "Sorry, Kaede. If Miu wasn't so annoying, there'd be no reason to try and prank her," Himiko said with a shrug. "And we wouldn't have had to scare you instead. So, blame it on Miu." Kokichi eagerly nodded in agreement.

   "I guess," Kaede mumbled. "Anyways, you two have to go. I need something important for something that Shuichi and I are going to do tonight."

   "Oo-oooo...naughty, naughty, Kaede!" Kokichi teased. Kaede turned red.

  "Stop it, Kokichi!" she said. "It's not like that!" Kokichi turned around and hugged himself while making kissing sounds.

   "'oH, sHuIcHi! I lOvE yOu! KiSs mE mOrE, ShUiChI! mWaH, MwAh, mWaH!'" he said, rubbing his hands all over his body. 

   "GET OUT!!" Kaede shouted, smacking Kokichi upside his head. Kokichi merely laughed mischievously in response as he grabbed Himiko's hand and pulled her out of Kaede and Miu's room. 

   "Nyeh...that was close," Himiko said, clutching her chest as she sighed with relief. "It's a good thing you were there, Panta Bear. I would have panicked if it was just me."

   "The best thing to do is to always keep your cool," Kokichi said, patting Himiko's shoulder. "Now, come on. We gotta find out where that nearby love hotel is located." 

   "Right!" Himiko said with a firm nod. They raced to Himiko's computer, where Kokichi looked up the location of the nearest love hotel that they discovered was named, "Shuvit Inn."

   "Okay, it's not that far from here," Kokichi said, running his finger across the Google Maps screen between Casa V3 and the hotel. He turned to Himiko. "Here's the plan: we'll hide in the backyard tonight around eight o' clock behind the tree on the hill."

   "Why in the backyard?" Himiko asked.

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