Himiko, the New Girl (2)

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     Himiko felt her face grow hot as she stared at the purple-haired boy who was pretending to  examine her hat carefully as if it were some sort of scientific experiment. Around his neck was a checkered scarf, and his whole outfit was white, save a few colorful buttons, and some silver clips on his shirt.

    "HEY, YOU DEGENERATE!!!" Tenko yelled, snatching Himiko's hat away from him, and giving it back to Himiko. "That's Himiko's hat! Keep your filthy, degenerate male hands off of it!"

   "Huh? Himiko?" the boy asked, tilting his head playfully while giving Himiko an impish grin. "Is that the new girl's name?" Himiko tried her dead-level best to keep herself from blushing. She pulled the brim of her hat and looked away, hoping to hide her reddening face. 

   "That's right!" Tenko said, holding her hands up in a fighting position. "This is Himiko Yumeno, the Ultimate Mage! So, you stay away from her!"

   "Woooow! You're a mage?!" the boy asked excitedly. Himiko peeked from under her hat's brim. The look in the boy's eyes sparkled with such enthusiasm that it was enough to make Himiko blush all over again. "Show me some magic, Himiko!"

  "Nyeh...well..." Himiko began in a shy voice. She hated that she had to keep her magic a secret; part of her really wanted to impress this cute boy with it, and the other half of her wanted to run back home and hide under her blankets so she wouldn't accidentally say or do something embarrassing in front of him. Unfortunately for Himiko, her home was in another part of the country, and magic was off limits to normies, so she had to use her official title to keep the boy, and everyone else, from being suspicious of her. Plus, she didn't want this boy to think she was a complete weirdo. "Actually...I'm officially called the Ultimate Magician," she finally said. The boy's shoulders slumped with disappointment.

  "So, you can't do real magic?" he asked. "Booooring!"

   *I can! I can do real magic! I promise!* she desperately thought. That's what she really wanted to say, but she bit her lip to keep herself from speaking.

  "Well...can you at least do some magic tricks?" the boy asked her.

  "They're not tricks! She has real magic!" Tenko said. "She told me herself!" Himiko shut her eyes, wishing Tenko would just go away. Her big mouth was making things worse. 

   "I guess I can show you a few magic tricks," Himiko said to the boy, ignoring Tenko. "Nyeh...first of all-" But before Himiko had a chance to show the boy anything, the bell rang, which meant the students had to rush off to their next class.

   "Aww, maaaan," the boy whined. Then, with a cheerful smile, he casually placed his hands behind his head. "Welp, see you next time, Himiko! Don't forget to show me a cool magic trick!" He laughed as he waved goodbye to her. Then, she turned to Tenko and Angie.

   "Um...who was that guy?" she asked.

   "Pffft...nobody!" Tenko said. "The more you stay away from him, the better! Now, I'll take you to your next class, Himiko!" She looked at Himiko's schedule. "Ah, the Home EC room is nearby! Follow me!"

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now