The Supreme Leader and the Cheerleaders (5)

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      Later that evening, after dinner, Kokichi and Himiko were hanging out in their pillow fort in the living room, when Himiko suddenly gasped.

    "What's wrong?" Kokichi asked, looking up from his phone. 

   "I-I can't be a cheerleader!" Himiko replied. "I don't know how to do all those flips and stuff!"

   "You can't even do a cartwheel?" Kokichi asked.

   "Nyeh...I tried it once..." Himiko replied, sheepishly twiddling her fingers. "...I ended up in the E.R."

   "Hmm...I figured this was going to happen," Kokichi said, tapping his chin in thought. 

   "And you still went along with it, anyways?!" Himiko asked incredulously.

   "Yup! Because I've got a backup plan!" Kokichi replied. Himiko eyed him nervously.

   "You're not going to teach me how to do that stuff, are you?" she asked.

   "Nope! We don't have time for that!" Kokichi answered. "We'll need Miu's help, actually."

   "Nyeh? Why?"

  "I'll make her invent a device for you that'll help you do all kinds of flippy tricks," Kokichi replied with a sneaky grin.

   "B-But...that's cheating!!" Himiko exclaimed. 

   "Welp, it's better than losing that cheerleading competition and not going to Disneyland!" Kokichi replied. 

   "Are you sure about this?" Himiko asked.

   "Of course!"

  "Well...okay, then," Himiko replied. "What about you? Don't you need a device for yourself?"

  "Nah! I'm confident in my agility ability!" Kokichi replied. "Now, c'mon! Let's go get Miu to invent a thingy for us!" He grabbed Himiko's hand, and led her up to Miu and Kaede's room. He then knocked rhythmically on their door before Kaede answered.

   "Hey, guys! What's up?" she asked. 

   "We just wanted to know if Miu was there," Kokichi answered.

   "Yeah, she's here," Kaede said, motioning for them to come inside. "Miu, Kokichi and Himiko want to see you. Oh! By the way, you were right, Kokichi! We met the Ultimate Cheerleader after school today!"

   "See? Told ya!" Kokichi replied with a smug grin. 

   "Yeah, she was a little weird, but she's better than that frikkin' Junko!" Miu chimed in. "Now, whaddya two want?"

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