The Baby Pageant (5)

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    Kokichi and Himiko arrived at the Gugugaga Theater, where the baby pageant was supposed to be held. Kokichi led Himiko to a secluded area behind the building, making sure not to be seen by the bustling crowd.

   "What are we doing back here, Kokichi?" Himiko whispered. 

   "Back here is where I hid the other stuff that we need," Kokichi whispered back. "I brought a stroller and a diaper bag." As he finished speaking, they came across a crate which concealed a dark blue stroller with a large diaper bag inside of it. Kokichi set down the sack the Ryoma was trapped in, and opened it. Ryoma popped out with a death glare at Kokichi. 

  "You won't get away with this, Koki-" he began. 

  "Baby," Kokichi interrupted. Ryoma's glare became an innocent smile with large, cutesy eyes. He fell back down on his butt and began laughing and clapping his hands. Himiko sighed and shook her head disapprovingly.

  "Nyeh...I still can't believe you did that to him," she said to Kokichi. Kokichi gave her guilty shrug.

   "Sorry," he replied quietly, standing up. Himiko stared at him. 

   " still promise to make it up to him after all this, right?" Himiko asked.

   "Yes, Himiko, I really do!" Kokichi promised. He looked Himiko in the eye without a smile, which made appear sincere. "Don't worry, okay? I'll make sure Ryoma is happy after all of this."

   "I don't know how you'll be able to do that, even after giving him half the money, but...okay. I trust you," Himiko said with a small smile. 

  "Thanks, HimiCocoa Bean," Kokichi said with a small smile of his own. "Well, I gotta get Ryoma into clothes."

   "Oh! Right," Himiko replied, turning her head the other way as Kokichi reluctantly undressed Ryoma, shuddering as he did so. 

  "Okay...this is weird," he groaned, scrunching his face in disgust. "I should have hypnotized him to get dressed in these baby clothes by himself! AAUUGHHH!!" Himiko giggled.

   "Nyeh...this is your punishment," she said.

   "Might as well be," Kokichi muttered. "I'm definitely never gonna do this again!"

   "Never heard that one before," Himiko said sarcastically.

  "Okay, well, this time I mean it!" Kokichi exclaimed, trying to shield his eyes as he put a diaper on Ryoma. "This is weird on so many levels!" He finally slipped Ryoma into a onesie and placed a bonnet onto his head. "Okay...the dark deed is done," Kokichi said with a shudder. Himiko turned around to look. 

  "," she said, reaching out to untie the bonnet. "There! He looks better without the bonnet," she said. 

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now