Himilocks and the Three Bears (1)

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    Kokichi was sitting on his bed feeling bored and grumpy. Himiko was shopping at the mall with her friends, and Kokichi had planned to take her to the park when she came back so the two could prank people by selling expired chocolates. However, his plans had been canceled due to the heavy rain outside. He peeked outside every now and then to see if Himiko was back from the mall. When he finally saw her and her friends outside, he rushed to the front door to let Himiko in. 

   "Hey, Himiko!" he said, opening the door for her. 

   "Hi, Kokichi," Himiko replied. They greeted each other with a soft kiss as Kokichi slammed the door in Tenko, Angie, and Tsumugi's faces. "K-KOKICHI!!!" Himiko yelled out in shock and annoyance. She opened the door for her friends, who were glaring daggers at Kokichi. Along with Himiko, the other three girls were wet and cranky from the rain. It didn't help that they had carried full shopping bags all the way home. 

    "We...had to carry...these bags...all the way home...in the rain," Tsumugi fumed at Kokichi. "THIS ISN'T THE TIME FOR YOU TO BE A DICK, KOKICHI!!!"

   "Okay, okay...sorry," Kokichi mumbled. "Jeez, I'll slam the door in your faces when it's sunny from now on. Are you happy?" Tsumugi and Tenko scoffed, and glared at Kokichi as they shoved past him to head upstairs. Angie slowly walked past him with a menacing, ominous smile.

   "Atua will smite you," she threatened in a low voice before heading upstairs. Kokichi merely shrugged, and turned back to Himiko. He took her shopping bags from her.

   "Here, Monkey Buns, I'll take your bags for you," he said. Himiko smiled gratefully at him as they began walking up the stairs together. "Sooo...how did the shopping go?"

   "Nyeh...it was good...until it started raining," Himiko replied. "Tsumugi got really mad."

   "Nee-heeheee...yeah, I can tell!" Kokichi laughed. They made their way into Himiko and Tenko's room, where Kokichi placed Himiko's bags at the foot of Himiko's bed. "So, I had plans to go to the park with you after you came back," Kokichi said. "But, because of the rain, we can't go. So, I came up with an emergency indoor list of things to do for fun! First, we can-"

   "Um...Kokichi? I appreciate that you're doing all this for me and you, I really do, but..." Himiko began. Kokichi's shoulders slightly slumped in disappointment.

   "But, what?" he mumbled. 

    "Well...I'm kinda tired from walking home," Himiko admitted. "And I feel worse cuz I'm wet, and I was planning on taking a hot shower, and then a nap when I came home, since I haven't had my usual after-lunch nap, yet."

   "Oh...okay, then," Kokichi sighed. Himiko patted his hand sympathetically. 

   "I'm sorry, Kokichi," she said. Kokichi suddenly brightened. 

   "You know what? You take that shower, Monkey Buns!" he said. "You deserve a nice, hot shower, and something nice and hot to drink afterwards!"

   "Oh, but...I didn't want anything to dri-" Himiko started, but Kokichi began nudging her towards the bathroom. 

   "You just take your shower, 'kay? And, I'll take care of everything else!" he interrupted.

   "Nyeh...Kokichi, what are you planning?" Himiko asked with suspicion. Kokichi brought his finger to Himiko's lips.

   "Sssshhhh..." he shushed. "Less talky, more washy." He shoved Himiko into the bathroom before bounding away like a sneaky fox. 

    "Nyeh...this better be good," she mumbled to herself. After Himiko took her shower, she blow-dried her hair, and put on her comfiest pajamas. "Ahhh...so warm!" she exclaimed. When she opened the door, she saw Kokichi smiling at her like an eager child waiting in line at the candy store. "Kokichi! Were you waiting there the whole time?!"

   "No, not the whole time!" Kokichi huffed. "What do you think I am, a creep? I was setting up our pillow fort in the living room, then I made you some hot chocolate, and *then* that's when I was waiting out here for you!"

   "Oh, Kokichi...I told you, I wanted to take a nap," Himiko said. 

   "I know, I know!" Kokichi replied, grabbing Himiko's hand, and leading her away from the bathroom. "But...I was just so bored here without you, and I dunno, we can take a nap together in our pillow fort!"

   "But, I don't..." Himiko began, then she closed her mouth as she thought of something. "Mmm...actually, we don't have to take a nap right away." Kokichi's eyes lit up.

   "Ooo! Ooo! What'cha thinkin,' HimiCocoa Bean?" he asked. 

   "Well..." Himiko began swaying back and forth bashfully. "...could you tell me a story?"

   "Huh? Really?" Kokichi asked, tapping his chin in thought. Himiko nodded. "Hmm...weeelll...I suppose that's better than nothing! O-kay, Monkey Buns, I'll tell you a story!"

   "Yaaaay...!" Himiko cheered sleepily. 

   "C'mon!" Kokichi said, grabbing Himiko's hand again, happily leading her downstairs to the living room, where their pillow fort stood. When they crawled inside, Himiko was met immediately with the smell of hot chocolate. 

   "Oh, my! It's so cozy in here!" Himiko exclaimed. They both snuggled up under each of their blankets, and set their hot chocolates on their laps. 

   "Okay, lemme see...which story should I tell?" Kokichi asked, taking a sip of his hot chocolate. Himiko waited patiently for him to decide. Suddenly, his eyes widened, and he clapped his fingertips excitedly together.

   "I know the right story!" he said. "The story of 'Himilocks and the Three Bears!'"

    "Nyeh...'Himilocks?'" Himiko asked. "Is that me?"

   "Yup!" Kokichi replied. "Get comfy, Himiko, because you're about to go on a super-duper, awesome fairytale adventure!"


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