Miu and the Mechanic (8)

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   "I...sniff...I don't understand," Miu whimpered as she was being comforted by everyone else back at Casa V3. She was sitting on the living room couch while Kaede was giving her sympathetic pats on her shoulder. 

   "What did Kazuichi say, Miu?" Keebo inquired. 

   "He said that he was sick and tired of listening to me," Miu whined. "He said that some girls are worth the pain and suffering, or whatever, but...I'm not!" She sobbed obnoxiously into her hands. Gonta offered her one of his handkerchiefs. Miu snatched it, and blew her nose into it, and gave Gonta back his handkerchief, which was now heavy from Miu's snot. "I mean...can he not see how lucky he was to have gone out with me?! I've basically got it all: beauty, brains...boobs! What's wrong with hiiiiim?!" At this point, Himiko couldn't keep her mouth shut any longer. 

   "Nyeeeeeh...IT'S BECAUSE YOU'RE A JERK!!!" she shouted in frustration, and stood up to get right into Miu's face. Everyone else fell dead silent; even Miu went sheet-white and tight-lipped. "You're always putting everyone else down, and telling them how worthless they are, but you know what?! At least they don't use their talent to make stupid stuff that won't benefit anybody! And why is it that you're allowed to be mean to people, but when they're mean back, you all of a sudden want them to feel sorry for you?! And not only that, you're always making fun of other people just because they don't have the body you think they're supposed to have! You're a jerk, Miu! Not only that, you're rude, filthy, vulgar, obnoxious, self-centered, and cowardly! Maybe you'd have people actually wanting to be around you if you'd just clean up your act, but I guess nothing about you is ever clean, is it?! I really want to be your friend, Miu, but you sometimes make me wonder if I should have even bothered with you in the first place!" After Himiko finished, she stifled a sob, and rushed to her room before anyone could see the tears flowing from her eyes. They heard her bedroom door slam shut upstairs. Everyone turned to look at Miu, who just sat there, silent as a tomb as she looked down at the floor with wide eyes. 

   "Um...Miu?" Kaede asked softly. Miu didn't answer. She merely stood up, and walked away to her room without saying a word.

   "Hmph, well, that just happened," Ryoma said, breaking the awkward silence. 

   "I can't believe that was Himiko!" Shuichi said. 

   "Yeah, she's always quiet," Tsumugi agreed. "To see her yell like that was...just plain scary, honestly."

   "Isn't there a saying? 'It's always the quiet ones?'" Keebo asked.

   "Yeeeaahhh...but that only applies to people, Kee-boy," Kokichi said. "But robots are always a problem whether they're quiet or not, so you'd better not get any ideas to blow our heads off in our sleep!"

   "What?! That is not true!" Keebo said. "Your robophobia is inhibiting you from thinking rationally! Robots don't just blow other people's heads off willy-nilly!"

   "Hey, Kokichi, what's goin' on with Himiko?" Kaito asked. "She and Miu been arguing lately, or something?"

   "Weeelll...long story short: we tried hooking up Miu and Kazuichi together," Kokichi replied. 

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