Cookies 'n' Dreams (1)

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    Himiko slouched in her seat during class with her head propped into the palm of her hand as her history teacher, Mr. Tezuki, droned on. Her eyelids were about to droop completely when, suddenly, a small, flat, square object flew onto her desk. She snapped to attention, too afraid to scream. She realized that it was just a folded piece of paper. She smiled and turned around to see Kokichi, who was waving to her a few desks behind. Even though they could have just texted each other like normal teenagers, Kokichi loved the old school way of passing notes because they were more likely to be caught by Mr. Tezuka, which made things challenging and far more exciting. Himiko opened up the folded note, and read in Kokichi's playful handwriting:

    Mr. Tezuka's kinda boring, huh? Himiko smiled and rolled her eyes. 

   Well...kinda, she replied. I am trying to keep myself from falling asleep. Feeling safe enough to pass the note back, she turned to Kokichi and swiftly flung it back to him. He opened the note and giggled at what she wrote. He wrote his response, and chucked the note back to Himiko.

   Sooo...what'cha doin' after school? Himiko thought to herself. She didn't really have any plans other than the usual: go home, take a nap, wake up, eat dinner, then hang out with Kokichi until bedtime. Nothing different. She finally scribbled her response. 

   Same old, same old. She then folded the note back up. Making sure Mr. Tezuka's back was still turned to her, she quickly whirled around and tossed the note back to Kokichi. Some of the students rolled their eyes in annoyance. Kokichi scribbled his next response, then tossed it back.

   Boooring! Wanna hang out after school, instead? Himiko frowned in confusion. She turned back to Kokichi, who was grinning slyly at her. She turned back to the note and wrote:

   But...we pretty much always do that. She tossed the note back to Kokichi. She watched Kokichi grinning mischievously as he wrote. He tossed the note back to Himiko.

   I have a feeling we'll have no choice this time. Himiko stared at it, completely puzzled. What in the world was he talking about?

   "Miss Yumeno, are you paying attention?" the teacher asked. Himiko gasped and looked up. The teacher had his arms crossed, and was tapping his foot expectantly. 

   "No!" Taka answered. "She and Kokichi have been passing around notes while you weren't looking!"

   "Geez...nobody likes a snitch, y'know?" Kazuichi said. 

   "But, it's true!" Taka continued. "And not only is it true, it's also very disruptive!" He looked back and forth between Kokichi and Himiko. "Kokichi, Himiko, you should think more about your classmates, and not yourselves! Think of all the learning you're missing out on!"

   "Wooow, you're right, Taka!" Kokichi replied with a cheeky grin. "My bad! Hey! Maybe Mr. Tezuka can totally forgive us for not paying attention in class, riiight, Mr. Tezuka? Besides, there's nothing juicy written on that note, anyways, so it's not like we'll get in trouble for it!" Himiko's eyes widened as she remembered the first thing Kokichi had written down, and her response to it. She turned and shook her head furiously at him, trying to get him to shut up. Kokichi merely kept grinning at her. "Yup! There's no reason why we should be in trouble!" Mr. Tezuka narrowed his eyes suspiciously at Kokichi.

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