Dead Girls Tell No Tales (End)

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    "THE FOG!!! THE FOG IS LIFTIN!'" Milky Miu shouted with joy as she pointed out to sea. Sure enough, the fog began to dissipate, allowing everyone to clearly see the open ocean with the sunset glowing beautifully on the deep blue surface. They could look up to the sky without seeing the eerie mist occasionally blocking their view. 

   "THE CURSE IS BROKEN!!" Jolly Roger Kaede exclaimed. The pirates began to cheer and hug each other. Cap'n Severedlocks placed her hands on Kokichi and Himiko's shoulders with tears in her eyes. 

  "I'll never ferget what ye two 'ave done fer me an' me crew," she sniffled. She leaned forward to hug them both. Kokichi and Himiko hugged her back. 

   "And we'll never forget you guys," Himiko said, smiling kindly at Cap'n Severedlocks.

   "Yeah, you guys were definitely not boring!" Kokichi added. Suddenly, The Scurvy Lass began rising up out of the ocean.

   "Nyeh! Wh...What's happening?!" Himiko asked as the boat began sailing up to the sky. 

   "We're finally goin' up t'the heavens!" Keelhaulin' Hina said with excitement. She happily nudged Naptime Nanami. "Wake up, Nappy! We're finally free!" Naptime Nanami woke up and saw that the ship was now soaring towards the sunset.

   "OI!!! WE'RE GOIN' 'OME!! WE'RE GOIN' 'OME!!!" she exclaimed with tears in her eyes.

   "I'm comin' to see ye, mum!! Don't ye worry!!" Swashbucklin' Sonia said, looking up at the sky with tears streaming from her eyes, as well.

   "Hiyoko!! Yer hooks!!" One-Eye Ibuki exclaimed, pointing at Hiyoko the Hookers hooks. They were suddenly replaced with her actual hands.

   "ME 'ANDS!!" she exclaimed, hugging them to her face. "I'VE ME 'ANDS AGAIN!!! OH, I CAN'T WAIT TO PAINT ME NAILS A BONNIE CORAL PINK!!" 

   "ME EYE!!" One-Eye Ibuki said, lifting her eyepatch. "I CAN FEEL ME EYE!!"

   "AN' ME LEG IS 'OLE AGAIN!!!" cried Peko Peko-Pegleg, showing everyone that she now had two whole legs again. Each pirate gave Kokichi and Himiko hugs and kisses. 

  "Thank ye two fer what ye've done fer us," Sea Shanty Sayaka sobbed, giving them a big hug. "We'll ne'er ferget ye."

   "I'll never forget you, too," Himiko whispered, tears falling down her cheeks as she hugged Sea Shanty Sayaka back. Sea Shanty Sayaka backed away to join her crew.

   "The curse will lift..." she began.

   "An' the fog will shift! To the heavens we will go!" the others joined in. "Aye! The curse will lift an' the fog will shift! To the heavens we will go!" The Scurvy Lass began to pierce through the clouds. Himiko looked down and noticed that the ship was starting to become transparent.

  "Nyeh...what's happening?!" she asked. 

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