Miu and the Mechanic (7)

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    Once Kokichi and Himiko stepped inside the restaurant, however, the maître d stopped them, and looked them over in a snooty way.

   "I'm sorry," he said in a tone that indicated he was not sorry at all. "We do not allow riffraff in our restaurant."

   "Heeey! You're..." Kokichi paused to squint at the maître d's nametag. "...Tatsuya Yamaguchi! I've heard sooo much about you!" The maître d raised his eyebrows with curiosity.

   "Um...you have?" he asked in surprise. 

  "Of course!" Kokichi replied. "You're the best maître d in town, y'know? Everyone knows how well you like to keep Chez La Vie up and running, and that you're the reason why customers keep coming here! I mean, who can blame them? The restaurant looks sooo nice! And it seems like everyone is enjoying themselves!"

   "Well...I guess you're right," the maître d replied, chuckling haughtily. 

   "Yup! And it's all because of you!" Kokichi continued. Then, he looked at the maître d with a glum expression. "It's just too bad that my girlfriend and I can't stay around to witness the fruits of your labor. It would have been so great to spread the word of how amazing you are." 

    "Ahem...well..." the maître d began, clearing his throat. "...we do get lots of customers, that is true. But...if it's to spread the word of the restaurant to bring even more customers in, I guess I can let you experience Chez La Vie."

   "Thank you! You're so kind and generous!" Kokichi replied. "Another reason why you're so popular!" The maître d let out a snooty chuckle. 

   "Who can argue with that?" he replied. "Follow me, please." He led Kokichi and Himiko to a booth, and handed each of them a menu. "Anything you would like to drink?"

   "Just a lemon-lime soda for my lady and me, please," Kokichi replied, giving Himiko a wink. 

   "Very well, sir," the maître d replied. "I will be back with your drinks, and you take your time to look over the menu." He rushed off to grab Kokichi and Himiko's beverages. Himiko looked at Kokichi, impressed. 

   "Kokichi, that was amazing!" she whispered. "How did you convince him to let us inside?"

   "Conceited people like him love it when people praise them," Kokichi replied. "I knew that if I told him how great he was, he'd let us in."

   "So, you were lying when you told him that you were going to spread the word of the restaurant?" Himiko asked, giggling. 

   "Haha, yup!" Kokichi replied. "Oop! Here he comes! Sshh!" The maître d came back with their sodas. 

   "Have you and your date figured out what you want to order?" he asked. Kokichi and Himiko ordered their food, and the maître d took their menus away, promising to bring their food to them as soon as possible. 

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now