Leon Gets Grand Slammed

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    "Nyeh...it's my turn to walk you to class today, Kokichi," Himiko said with a sleepy smile. The bell for 1st period rang, which gave the students five minutes to gather their books, or do last minute things before class was going to start. 

   "Okie-dokie, Himikokie!" Kokichi replied. "Are you gonna carry my books, too?" Himiko's smile turned into a pained frown.

   "Huummm...okay," she groaned. With a teasing smile, Kokichi handed Himiko his books, causing her to stagger under the weight. "Nyeh...what a pain!"

   "You sure you can carry them?" Kokichi asked.

   "N-No..." Himiko stammered. "T-Take them back, already!" Laughing, Kokichi took his and Himiko's books from her, and carried them himself. 

   "Nee-heehee...you need to participate more in P.E., Monkey Buns," he said. "Pretending to be sick is only going to do you harm."

   "Yeah, but gym is such a pain," Himiko muttered. "Nyeeeh...even thinking about it is a pain, it makes me tired. If there was a class where all you had to do was take a nap, I'd be much better at that." Kokichi smiled and rolled his eyes as he and Himiko arrived at his class.

   "Welp, this is my stop, HimiCocoa Bean!" Kokichi said. "Thanks for walking me to my class!" He leaned forward to give Himiko a kiss.

   "Nyeh...you're welcome," she replied. "Have fun in class...but not too much fun."

   "Nee-heehee...no promises!" Kokichi replied mischievously. Himiko smiled and shook her head at him. With one last kiss, they went their separate ways. Kokichi set his books down on his desk when he realized that he had accidentally kept Himiko's books. "Oopsie! Gotta give these back to Himiko!" He picked her books up and headed back out the classroom door. 

   Meanwhile, Himiko was in the hallway with the lockers trying to remember something she had forgotten. 

   "Nyeh...I'm missing something," she muttered to herself. "Oh...what is it?!" She was so enveloped in her thoughts that she wasn't paying attention to where she was going. She tripped on a small dip in the floor and crashed right into Leon, causing his coffee to spill all over his shirt. Some of the nearby students laughed while others gasped in surprise. Leon whirled around angrily at Himiko, who looked up at him apologetically.

   "Um...I'm sor-" she began in a small voice.

  "Watch where you're going, you little dumbass!" Leon spat and violently shoved her into a nearby locker. 

   "Ow, that hurt!" Himiko whimpered, rubbing her shoulder. Down the hall stood Kokichi, who had witnessed the whole thing. Seeing Leon shove Himiko made something inside of him snap. He felt his anger rising and his blood boiling. He soon became blind with rage as he suddenly dropped Himiko's books to the floor and found his feet running furiously towards Leon. He slammed his body into Leon, which sent both him and Leon hurtling a few feet forward. When Kokichi had Leon pinned down, he raised his fist above Leon's face.

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