Tenko's Little Secret (2)

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     Later that evening after dinner, Himiko headed to Rantaro's room to talk to him while Kokichi and Tenko waited in her and Himiko's room. Himiko knocked on the door to Rantaro and Kiyo's room, patiently waiting for a reply. Rantaro opened the door and invited Himiko in with a friendly smile.

   "What's up, kiddo?" he asked, ruffling her hair. 

   "Nyeh...nothing much," Himiko replied, casually plopping herself onto Rantaro's bed. "I just wanted to see what you were up to."

   "Ah, I see," Rantaro replied. "Hahaha, nothin' much, just catching up on some homework." 

   "That sounds like a pain," Himiko said with a shudder. "Especially if it's math."

   "Nope, not math," Rantaro replied. "It's chemistry. Can't say it's the most exhilarating subject, but at least it's interesting. But I hear you're doing better in math, thanks to Kokichi."

   "Yeah, that's true," Himiko murmured bashfully as she blushed. Rantaro smiled. 

   "He's been a good boyfriend, huh?" he asked. Himiko scrunched her shoulders with glee.

   "Nyeeeh...yeah, I love that guy!" she squealed. Rantaro chuckled warmly.

   "Well, that's good," he said. "I'm glad he's treating you nicely."

   "Yeeaaahhh..." Himiko sighed. While she was on the subject of math, however, Himiko decided to keep that going as a way to tie Tenko into the conversation. "But, it's not just Kokichi who helps me with math. Angie, Tsumugi, and Tenko also help me sometimes."

   "Really? Huh, that's actually unexpected," Rantaro replied. "Ah, um...well, no offense to them. I'm sure they're good at math. Who am I to think otherwise?"

   "Yeah, they don't look it, well...especially Angie and Tenko, but they're really smart when it comes to math," Himiko said.

   "Hey, now, don't be mean to Tenko and Angie," Rantaro chuckled. "Especially since they're your best friends."

   "You're right," Himiko replied. "Sorry." She tried to come up with a way to turn the subject completely to Tenko. "I'm not trying to be mean, but, Tenko can be a bit much sometimes. Like, she even tries to incorporate her Neo-Aikido into math."

  "Hahaha, really?" Rantaro asked, chuckling. "Well, that's interesting! I'm sure she's just trying her best to help you out, though."

  "So...you don't get annoyed by Tenko?" Himiko asked. "At all?"

  "Nope! Not me," Rantaro replied. "I mean, don't get me wrong, she has her moments. But, hey, don't we all? I like to think that she's just a really caring and protective older sister to you. I actually admire that about her." Himiko brightened.

   Wowee! Tenko might have a chance! she thought to herself. "Ooo...are you saying that you have a crush on her?" Himiko teased, hoping to pry some more info out of Rantaro. 

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