The Baby Pageant (3)

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    "Listen to me, Ryoma, listen to me well. You have now become a pawn under my hypnotic spell," Kokichi murmured in a soothing voice. He then paused to whisper to himself. "Ooo! That's pretty good!" He cleared his throat before continuing. "I, Kokichi, am your master, Ryoma, understand?" Ryoma nodded with a blank stare. "Good! Now, Ryoma, whenever you hear me say the word 'baby,' you will become a baby, do you understand?" Once again, Ryoma nodded. "You will act like a baby. You will cry, laugh, and demand attention, just like a baby would. And when I say the word 'jailbird,' you will go back to your regular self, do you understand?" Ryoma nodded once more. "Excellent!" Kokichi paused to look at the date on the flyer. "Okay, Ryoma, listen noon on the 16th, the day after the pageant, you will come completely out of your trance. You won't ever be aware of being hypnotized, and you will have no memory whatsoever of the baby pageant, and you will continue living your life as you normally would, understand?" Ryoma nodded for the last time. "Awesome! Now, when I snap my fingers, you will wake up." Kokichi snapped his fingers and Ryoma blinked before glaring at Kokichi. 

   "What are you still doing here?" he growled. "I told you to-"

   "Baby," Kokichi interrupted with a smirk. Immediately, Ryoma's eyes became all big and cutesy. He got onto his hands and knees, and began to crawl. He was making gurgling cooing sounds as drool poured from his mouth. He sat back on his butt and started clapping and laughing. All the while Kokichi's devious smile grew as he admired his handiwork. 

   "Goo-goo, gaa-gaaa!!" Ryoma cooed. "A-daa-daa-daa! A-pppbbb! A-pppbbb!"

  "Jailbird," Kokichi commanded in a smug voice. Ryoma snapped back to normal. He looked around confused, wondering why he was sitting. He felt the drool on his chin and wiped it.

   "Ugh!!" he exclaimed in disgust. "Why was I drooling just now?!" He looked over at Kokichi, who merely shrugged at him with an innocent smile.

   "Beats me," he replied. "Maybe you're just thirsty. Anyhooo, I'll leave you alone. Just like you wanted." 

   " do that," Ryoma mumbled, eyeing Kokichi with suspicion. Kokichi merely smiled before he left. He walked down the hall, chuckling evilly to himself. 

   "Nee-heehee...this is gonna be too fun," he murmured under his breath. He headed upstairs to check on Himiko, who was still sound asleep. He let her sleep for a little longer while he sat against the wall outside her and Tenko's bedroom door to think more about his plan. About an hour later, he heard Himiko stir in her bed. He looked in to see her stretching and yawning. 

   "Heeey, Stinky Butt! Did you have a nice nap?" he asked, walking in and sitting on her bed. Himiko gave him a sleepy smile.

   "Nyeh...yeah," she replied. "I had a dream about us on those skates, actually." Kokichi raised his eyebrows in surprise.

   "Oh, really?" he asked. Himiko nodded. "Well...speaking of those skates, you and I definitely have a chance to win the prize money at that baby pageant!" Himiko's eyes lit up.

  "Really?!" she exclaimed.

  "Yuppers!" Kokichi nodded. 

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