Cookies 'n' Dreams (12)

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    "What was all that ruckus about earlier, Monkey Buns?" Kokichi asked as he and Himiko walked together to school. 

   "Nyeh...just as I was hoping, my Snoozydoodles gave everyone dreams," Himiko replied. "But, when everyone that I gave them to was talking about their dreams, things got a little out of hand."

   "Was that the effect of the magic?" Kokichi asked.

   "Well, no...that was because Miu was being her usual, annoying self, and then Tsumugi said something, then Miu snapped back at her, then everything sorta erupted into chaos," Himiko explained.

   "Didn't you say a while ago that the dream powder can be addictive?" Kokichi asked. Himiko sighed.

   "Yeah...even small doses of the dream powder might cause someone to be addicted," she said. "But, it works really well, and that's why I wanted to put it in my cookies."

   "Hmm...I hope you know what you're doing, Himiko," Kokichi said. 

   "Well...I have another idea where the dream powder might be not as addictive...but the effects will be just as good?" Himiko said with a bit of uncertainty. Then, she blushed. "I...used this method to dream about you before we started dating." Kokichi raised his eyebrows at her.

   "Really?!" he exclaimed, grinning. 

   "Yeah...I had to steal your hair while you were asleep to do it, though," Himiko said quietly. 

   "Yeah, that's not creepy at all," Kokichi teased, wrapping his arm around Himiko's waist, and giving her a kiss on the cheek. A mischievous grin crossed his lips. "I wanna know what this other method is."


   Friday night had arrived. Kokichi was with Himiko in her secret magic room. She was flipping through the spellbook titled, "Inside the Magical Mind." Himiko showed Kokichi the chapter "Build the Perfect Dream," specifically, the romance section. 

   "Nyeh...these are potions I used to have dreams about you," she explained to him, and pointed to the different dreams. "This is the 'sweet love dream' potion, the 'spicy love dream' potion, and the 'hot and steamy love dream' potion." Kokichi read the description of each dream, his impish grin growing larger across his face as he read.

   "So, you drank all of those potions?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows at her.

   "Well, one night, I drank the first one, then the next night, I drank the second," Himiko said. "I secretly gave the last one to Miu, because I was too scared to drink it myself."

    "Ugh! You gave it to Miu?! " Kokichi exclaimed in disgust.

   "Well...I-I'd feel dirty having the last dream!" Himiko stammered. 

   "Well, then, why'd you make that potion in the first place?" Kokichi asked.

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now