Cookies 'n' Dreams (13)

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    The next afternoon, Kokichi and Himiko wished each other luck before Kokichi went off to his own stand. Himiko set her table up and placed her cookies down. Kokichi suggested making two batches of each comedy Snoozdoodles, just in case. 

   "HIMIKO!!" Himiko's head shot up to see Ibuki above her rushing out of the school, followed by Himiko's other previous customers.

   "Nyeh! You guys are already here?!" Himiko gasped.

   "We just plainly couldn't wait to buy more of your cookies, Himiko!" Tsumugi said. 

   "Yeah, I had to admit, they were pretty good," Fuyuhiko admitted. "And I had a pretty cool dream after eating mine."

   "As did I," Peko said. 

    "Yes! They were absolutely wonderful, Himiko!" Sonia said. "I adored my dream!"

    "Meeeeee, tooooooo!!" Ibuki shouted. 

  "I want to be the first one to buy your cookies, Himiko!" Tenko cried. Kaito shoved her out of the way.

   "No way! Me, first!" he said. Miu stepped on his foot, causing Kaito to cry out in pain.

   "Outta the way, rocket man!" she spat. Everyone began arguing with each other about who was going to buy the cookies first. 

   "H-Heeey!!" Himiko screamed. Everyone went silent and turned to her. " doesn't matter who goes first,'ll each be able to get a cookie, okay? Now, please form a single file line. Fuyuhiko, you can go first."

  "Awww, why a degenerate male?" Tenko whined. "Why can't it be meeee?"

  "Tenko!" Himiko snapped sternly. Tenko abashedly hung her head and stood in line in front of the first boy after Fuyuhiko, which was Kaito. "Hmph!" Tenko flicked her braid at him. The line grew shorter as each customer bought a cookie, until Ibuki remained.

  "I'm gonna tell everyone about your cookies, Himiko!" Ibuki said. "I can't wait to try these before I go to sleep!"

   "I've already told lots of people about Himiko's Snoozydoodles!" Angie chimed in. 

   "Yeah, me, too!" Tenko said. "I told more people than Angie did!"

   "It looks like you've got a busy day ahead of you," Maki said, eyeing a bunch of students heading towards Himiko's direction. Himiko braced herself. 

   "Hey, Himiko, I heard your cookies were pretty good," Makoto said. "Can I buy one?"

   "I suppose I shall try one, too, just to see what the big deal is," Byakuya sighed reluctantly. 

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