Talkin' About Kokichi

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     *This is yet another story that takes place before Kokichi and Himiko became a couple. XD*

   "What's up, Himiko? How's your day going?" Rantaro asked Himiko. It was 2nd period at Hope's Peak Academy, and Himiko was in Home Ec working on a project with her Home Ec partner, Rantaro. The class just separated into their pairs to work on the project, and Rantaro moved his desk next to Himiko's. 

   "'s going okay, I guess," Himiko replied, giving Rantaro a sleepy smile. "How about yours?"

   "Can't complain," Rantaro said. He then gave Himiko a playful smirk. "So, you still like you-know-who?" Himiko smiled bashfully, and blushed as she lowered the brim of her hat over her face.

   "...Yes," she mumbled. Rantaro chuckled warmly. 

    "That's cool," he said. "Has he done or said anything interesting to you, lately?" Himiko brightened.

   "Yes," she said with a large grin. Then, after she looked around to make sure nobody was listening, she lowered her voice. "Because of the new seating chart last week, he now sits next to me in Health class, and yesterday, he took my eraser, and put it on his desk. Then, every time I would put my eraser back on my desk, he'd take it and put it on his desk again! Then...oh, my gosh, here comes the best part! Right when I was going to reach for my eraser for, like, the 15th time, he grabbed my hand, and pushed it into my own face!" Himiko squealed with joy as she placed her hands over her heart, making Rantaro laugh affectionately.

   "Hahaha, why is that the best part, though?" he asked, feeling a bit puzzled.

   "Because...he touched my hand!" Himiko squealed. "It was so warm, and...and...I dunno, he touched me, and it was great!" Rantaro chuckled, and smiled adoringly at her.

   "Hahaha, awww, that's so cute," he said. 

   "Who are you two walking about?" Both Rantaro and Himiko looked up to see the other students staring at them. They must have overheard Himiko's squealing because Akane asked the question that everyone was curious to know the answer to.

   "Heeey! It's not polite to eavesdrop!" Himiko said in annoyance. 

   "Sorry, Himiko, but we couldn't help but overhear what you were saying," Hina said.

   "So, spill the tea," said Celeste.

   "Yeah! Whose hand was warm?" Chihiro asked. "If you don't mind telling us, that is."

   "Is it a boy you like?" Chiaki asked sweetly. 

   "" Himiko mumbled. 

   "Yup! That explains it!" Ibuki said. "You totally have a crush on a boy!"

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now