Chapter 2

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"Lose the clothes Josh..." I whisper still hovering my lips over his smirking and he swallows again pulling his shirt over his head... "Good boy..." I whisper and i had to admit that he looked good... Had i been so caught up in Chris that i never noticed anyone else...? I take a step back so i can have a better look and i bite my lip shamelessly letting my eyes roam his muscular chest and he smirks at me winking... I chuckle and he pulls down his pants leaving him in his boxers... He wants to jump in but i shake my head with an evil grin on my face not letting him get away with it...

"Stooop pumpkin... The bet was naked..." I say smirking and he groans but pulls his boxers down without hesitation and i have to admit it is impressive... I am intrigued tilting my head a smirk on my face and a twinkle in my eyes... I smirk while the crowd behind me goes nuts screaming and cheering... He smirks back winking at me and then he lets himself drop in the freezing water and i start to laugh as he comes back up swimming to the edge of the pool gasping... "So cold..." He gasps and i chuckle again...

I walk over to the edge and crouch down... "Pick me up at 7 tomorrow..." I say kissing his cheek before standing back up and he smiles... "You got it sweetheart wear something nice i am going to treat you..." He says shivering and i chuckle...

I walk back inside leaving everyone outside and i chuckle as everyone whoops and claps as he probably gets out the freezing water... I walk towards the bathroom as i have to pee and all of a sudden i feel a hand grab me... "You are not seriously going out with him, right?" I hear and i turn around to see Chris and i look at him confused... "I am... Why wouldn't i?" I say and Chris sighs... "Because he is not right for you Ava..." He says and i look at him annoyed... "And why is that?" I ask pulling my arm out of his grip crossing my arms in front of my chest... "Because... He... He is a player..." He says and i laugh... "Well i guess it takes one to know one..." I say and Chris looks at me shocked... "Ava... You can't go out with him...!" He growls catching me of guard as he steps closer to me towering over me...

"Why not! And dont give me the bullshit reason that he is a player..." I growl back not backing down again feeling braver due to the alcohol running through my veins... "Because... Because..." He stammers taking a deep breath looking at me and i roll my eyes... "Because... Because... Because what!" I yell poking him in his chest and he grabs my hand and pushes me against the wall and crashes his lips on mine... For a moment i go with it kissing him back but i quickly snap out of it pushing him back... "What the hell Chris!!!" I yell...

"Ava I... I like you okay...!" He yells and i look at him stunned... "I like you from the moment we met..." He says letting out a sigh and instead of relief or feeling happy i only feel anger... "You like me?" I spit at him with venom in my voice and he nods and i scoff... "Well, you could have fooled me... You always made it very clear we are friends! Nothing more... For years you dont give me a second glance as soon as some stick figure walks in..." I yell at him getting louder and louder...

"Ava i Love you okay!" He yells back and i shake my head part of me is shocked, but my blood is boiling because if he really loves me, he would have not put me through this torture over the last years... I think back to the time we almost kissed and how he had pulled back saying it was a mistake that we were friends nothing more and although i was hurt and disappointed i just went with it and now that i resided in the fact that we were friends and nothing more... Now that i had made the decision i rather have him in my life as a friend than not at all... Now this... "No! You dont get to do this!" I yell at him, and he looks at me confused...

"Do what... Confess my feelings?" He yells back with desperation in his eyes... "Yes! You dont get to do this! You are to late! For years i tortured myself hoping one day you would notice me... For years i had to see you with one girl after another all over you... And now that someone else pays attention to me and asks me out and i say yes... You decide you have feelings? Not only that but tell me now...?"  I spit at him, and he takes a step closer to me... "Ava I..." He starts to say but i push him away again and he stumbles back a bit...

"No... I will not be the consolation price! I want to be someone's firs choice not someone's back up plan! You are only saying this because i said yes to a date with Josh! So... You got feelings big deal... Next week you have feelings for someone else... You just want me because someone else gives me the time of day for once... God i am so stupid... Here i was thinking i was just not good enough ... But You are only scared that you would lose your back up plan... Even tonight you had that girl all over you... You only fucking want me because someone else shows interest... Fuck i am stupid... I see it now... You really expected me to always be there for when you were done with all the other women in the world..." I say as tears are starting to run down my cheeks...

I scoff again... "If you really had feelings, you would not have that girl all over you... You would have not fucked other girls while i was lying in the next room feeling miserable wondering what the hell was wrong with me... Wondering what those girls had that i dont... Wondering if i was just not good enough and why... Wondering if i was a stick figure like them you would want me then... But no... You just kept me around torturing me not caring how i felt... Pulling me in just enough to keep me around and i was just stupid enough to fall for it... God i am so fucking stupid!! " I yell and he looks at me with a stunned look on his face... 

I push passed him... I grab my jacket of the coat rack putting it on taking out my phone booking an Uber to meet me in the next street... "Ava where are you going?" Chris yells as he walks after me... "Home! Dont call me... Dont text me... Just stay the fuck away from me... We are done! Friendship over! Goodluck with you shallow whores who only let you fuck them because your famous!!!" I yell... He looks at me shocked but i dont care and i walk away...

"Ava You can't it is not safe it is the middle of the night..." He says trying to grab my arm but i step out of his reach... "I dont fucking care... I need to get away from you and your toxic shit..." I spit at him, and he takes a step back looking all hurt but i dont care... Welcome to my world is all i can think...

"What is going on?" Scott says appearing looking at us worried and shocked and i shake my head... "Ask your fucking brother! Can you give Josh my number and tell him to call me..." I say biting my tongue to fight my tears and Scott nods before i walk out the door walking to the address i had given to the Uber driver...

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