Chapter 36

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I smile looking at my camera as i had taken some photos of him and Mackie working out between takes... They were laughing and just goofing around... You could see the joy in the pictures radiating of the little screen... Seb who had no scenes today had stayed at the hotel wanting to just relax and be lazy on his day off... 

I chuckle as Chris and Mackie run up and down not getting it right time after time as they keep laughing as Chris passes Mackie... He can't keep a straight face and Mackie is not helping with his reactions... Mackie and Chris were like the two boys in school who could disrupt the whole class with their antics... It made for great photos but i could see that the Russo brothers were starting to get frustrated... I could understand it because the light was changing and the window to shoot this was closing... 

"Are they like this at home?" Joe asked me as he looked at me and i smirked and nodded... "Yeah... They kind of are... Just be happy Seb is not here... When the 3 of them are together it is even worse..." I mumble and Joe sighs... "How do you get them to stop when you are sick of it..." He said and i laughed... "Like this..." I said smirking and i looked at Chris and Mackie... "Hey idiots! Stop fucking around and behave... We are running out of light..." I yelled at them, and they both looked at me stunned as they blushed a little... "Okay okay... We are going to nail this shit..." Chris said clapping his hands getting back to his starting position... 

"That should do the trick..." I said and Joe chuckled and shook his head... "Can we hire you for every movie..." He said and i blushed... "Let's see if it worked first..." I say and i watch as they start again... 

At the end of the day, they have everything they need, and we go back to the hotel... "Can't believe Joe made you scold us..." Mackie mumbled in the car and i laughed... "Can't believe it worked..." I said smiling... Chris just smirked and kissed my cheek...

We walked to our hotel room and said we would see Mackie downstairs in the restaurant in an hour for dinner... But Chris had other ideas because as soon as the door of the hotel room closed, he grabbed me and pushed me up against the wall caging me in and kissing me passionately... I let out a little moan and he deepened the kiss until we had to come up for air... "We only have an hour..." I whisper out of breath, and he smirked... "Well, we better make it quick then..." He growls and starts to pull on my clothes undressing me in record speed before undressing himself... 

Without warning he spins me around and orders me to put my hands on the wall... I do what he says and i push my ass back as he grabs it with both hands squeezing it... I moan as he slowly pushes into me before thrusting his hips forward filling me balls deep... "O yes that feels so good... Please move Please Chris fuck me... Use me..." I moan as my desires take over... and when i look over my shoulder Chris grins... 

I love the way he feels inside of me... I love it when he is slow and gentle but damn when he is rough and fucks me without mercy it is something else... The feeling of him having his way with me because he feels the carnal desire to fill me up... The fact that he needs to have me right then and there makes me fucking wet and i just love it... Dont get me wrong i love gentle and loving Chris but the feeling of i need to be in you right now is amazing... By now he knows my body and getting me to cum is almost easy... 

He growls and slaps my ass and i mewl and i push back on him just as he thrusts inside of me again making him hit me deeper and harder and he slaps my ass again... "Fuck such a tight fucking pussy all for me... So fucking wet all for me..." He growls slapping my ass again and again as i moan while pushing back on him every time he thrusts into me... "Chris..." I moan as he grabs my ass pulling me onto him harder and i whimper as i can feel i am close... So close... 

"Rub your clit angel..." He growls barely able to talk as he is close to, and his thrusts are getting sloppy as his body is taking over... I reach between my legs and whimper as i rub circles on my clit and when i cum he grows stilling his movements burying himself as deep as he can inside me letting my pussy pulse around him as i scream his name and my body is shuddering due to the orgasm washing over me... He follows closely behind and i whine as i can feel him fill me up while growling and he slaps my ass again making me squeeze around him harder the sting of his hand hitting my skin making my orgasm that is still sourcing through my body last longer... 

"Fuck i love the way you feel coming around my dick angel..." Chris says breathing heavy as he plants a kiss between my shoulder blades and i can hear him chuckle as i hum... He pulls out of me and pulls me up turning me to face him and he kisses me... 

"Let's get a shower..." I whisper and he nods smiling and he drags me into the shower... We arrive 15 minutes late to dinner and Mackie and Seb are already seated having a drink and i chuckle as they both scold us for being too late... "Sorry an hour is not long enough to get showered and dressed..." I said smirking...  "Uhu showered and dressed..." Mackie said rolling his eyes... 

We ordered dinner and i smiled as Seb told us that he had done nothing at all today just being lazy lying in bed... I sigh and smile... "God that sounds like heaven..." I say sighing again and Chris chuckles... "Just being lazy relaxing in bed watching movies or reading a book... God i miss that..." I mumble and Chris smiles taking my hand kissing the back of it... 

"I swear i have planned in some time off after we are done with this movie and i am going to just relax and do nothing for at least as day or two..." I say and Chris kisses my hand again... "I didn't know you took some time off after this..." Chris says and i nod and smile... "Yeah i was thinking of taking a little vacation after all this... You know destress and just clear my mind maybe go somewhere exotic" I say and Chris smiles and kisses my hand again... "Want some company on vacation?" He asks and i smirk... "Yeah... Sounds good do you think Scott would like to come with?" I say and Chris looks at me stunned and Mackie and Seb laugh hard... "You should see your face..." Seb says and Chris blushes and i lean in and kiss him... "I would love some company... We can be lazy in bed together..." I whisper and he blushes and i kiss him again...

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