Chapter 66

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"You are so beautiful..." A drunk Chris said to me pulling me into a hug... God he was drunk... He. Ryan and Scott had drink beer until they had switched to whiskey and all 3 were drunk... "Thank you..." I giggle and he smirks... He kisses me and i smirk into the kiss... "All mine..." He growled grabbing my ass and i blushed but laughed... "Okay sappy... Time to go home..." I said and he sighed... "That's me... I am sappy..." He yelled proudly at everyone, and we all laughed... "Want to go upstairs..." He murmurs in my ear and i giggle... "No i want to go home... There are kids sleeping upstairs..." I whisper and he giggled... "Oops..." He said and i just shook my head laughing... "I am going to marry her...!" He yells and everybody chuckles...

"Okay time to go home sappy..." I said again and he nodded kissing me again before he put his arm over my shoulder leaning on me as he barely could walk by himself... "Are you going to be okay getting him into the house?" Carly asked and i nodded... "Yeah we will be okay..." I say as Chris was playing with my hair... "Hey sis... I love her..." He says and Carly and i both roll our eyes... "I know Chris... We all know..." She said and he grinned... But his face turned sour... I was stupid for not doing something about it before..." He says getting emotional... "It is okay sappy we are here now... Let's go home..." I say and i Carly shakes her head smirking as i waved goodbye to everyone... 

"Can you promise to stay awake until we are at home, and you are lying in bed...?" I say as i sit him in the passenger seat... "Of course... anything for you angel..." He mumbles and i know it not going to happen... As soon as i pulled out the driveway he will be asleep... I get behind the wheel and take a deep breath... I check the brakes and i take off and what i predicted happened... He is snoring next to me... I drive home and open the garage door driving the car in and closing the door behind me... I contemplate letting him sleep in the car but i want him in bed so i walk around the car and open his door... 

"Baby, wake up..." I say in a sweet voice, and he groans making me chuckle... "Sappy..." I say a little louder and he groans again... "Baby you have to work with me a little... I am going to take you to bed... It is much comfortable than sleeping in the car..." I say no reaction... "Christopher Robert Evans... If you are not getting out of the car i am going to leave you here... You are not going to let me sleep alone now are you..." I say loudly and he wakes up looking around him a little dazed making me chuckle... "Where are we...?" He mumbles and i giggle... "At home... Now let's get to bed..." I say and he nods still dazed... 

I help him out and with him leaning on me i walk us to the bedroom... As soon as he drops on the bed, he is out like a light again and i groan... I take off his shoes and start to pull down his pants which is almost impossible as he is out and not working with me at all... 

When i finally have him fully undressed i chuckle as he is laying spread eagle on the bed naked as the day, he was born... I walk to the hallway closet to get a bucket in case he needs to throw up... I pull the blankets down and move him so i can tuck him in and smile planting a kiss on his forehead... "I love you..." I whisper before i go to the bathroom get undressed and take a quick shower... When i am done i crawl into bed and i smile as he cuddles up to me and pulls me against him tightly... Even in a drunken sleep he wants to be close and i can't help but smile...

The next morning i wake up and chuckle as Chris is still asleep... He will have a massive hangover so i get out of bed get dressed and walk to the kitchen to make some breakfast and coffee... I also get a bottle of water and some Advil putting it on his bedside table for him to drink when he wakes up... 

About an hour later Chris appeared and i smirk... "Gooooodmorning..." I chirp and he groans... "Morning... Not good..." He mumbles and i laugh... "Did you take the Advil?" I ask and he nods smiling a little... I hand him a cup of coffee and put and warm up his breakfast putting it in front of him... "So... We got an email, and our furniture will be delivered next week..." I say and Chris smiles a little... "That is great news..." He mumbles and i chuckle... I walk over to him and turn him towards me... "Eat your breakfast and then we can be lazy laying on the couch and i will see if i can fix that headache a little..." I whisper kissing him and he grins... "I know a way..." He says and i laugh... "Eat..."I say, and he nods... 

After he had eaten and showered, he joins me on the couch... I turn so i am sitting sideways and cross-legged on the couch. "Come here..." I say and he smiles laying down stretching himself out his head in my lap and i smile as i start to gently massage his face... He hums closing his eyes letting out little groans and every now and then i plant an upside-down kiss on his lips... "Does it help a little?" I ask and he smiles... "Yeah... But dont stop... Feels nice..." He mumbles and i chuckle...

"How bad was i..." He sighs and i laugh... "Other than yelling that you were sappy and that you were going to marry me not that bad..." I say smirking and he smiles... "There was this one little thing though.... You grabbing my ass, growling... all mine... and asking me to go upstairs..." I say and he groans again and i giggle... 

After a while i stop and scoot down next to him and he pulls me closer humming his eyes closed... The rest of the day is spent on the couch just being lazy lounging around all cuddled up, making out and taking naps... Talking about the new house and were we want everything we bought... Just a lazy day spending time together... Heaven... But all of a sudden, the doorbell rings breaking the silence of our little piece of heaven and Chris and i look at each other... "Did you expect anyone?" I ask and he shakes his head groaning and pushing himself up... "You?" He asks and i shake my head as i get up to... "Wait here..." He says and i nod as i watch him walk to the front door...

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