Chapter 16

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Instead of driving home i drove back to the office... My assistant was long gone, and she had locked up like i asked... I turn on the lights in my office and sit down behind my desk and take a deep breath... I look at the piece of paper with Joe Russo's phone number and smile as excitement runs through my veins... I dial the number and after a few rings he answers... "Ms. Watts... I hope you calling back so soon means good news..." He says and i smile... "Well, that depends... Is it good news if i say i accept..." I say trying to sound natural as i just want to scream and squeal... Joe laughs... "Ms. Watts that is indeed very good news..." He says... "Ava... Please call me Ava..." I say... "Okay... Ava... We will email you all the details... and you will have to sign some paperwork once you get here... Contracts... NDA's and what not..." He says... 

"Of course... No problem... When do you expect me?" I ask... "Next week would be great... If that is possible... We are starting a week earlier than originally planned..." He says and i scribble it all down... "We will set you up in a hotel and arrange for your plane tickets... A car will be at the airport to pick you up..." He states... I thank him for the opportunity, and he thanks me for agreeing on such short notice and that he is looking forward to working with me... He says to keep an eye on my email saying that i receive everything within the hour...

As soon as i hang up i jump up out of my chair and do a little happy dance letting out a squeal... I sit back down and grab my schedule and i plan on canceling the next six months... This gives me leeway if it is going to be longer than 4 months and maybe i can have some time off afterwards knowing the schedule will be brutal... 

I sigh and look at all the names in my schedule and a little guilt sets in... I make a mental not to get some referrals to different photographers for them to reach out to get someone to replace me... Or maybe i should hire someone to take over in my absence... Maybe do both so people have options... I call my friend Sean who is also a photographer and i have worked with in the past. I ask him if he can come by tomorrow because i have some business to talk with him about... 

Tomorrow i will go on about making the long list of calls but for now i call it a day... I lock up my office and drive home... I can't stop smiling as i am still so excited... But my mind is also racing with all the things i have to do in order for me to leave next week... 

The email comes in and it is official in 7 days i will be on a plane to Atlanta... I can't wait... I text my assistant asking her if she can come in early and she is happy to do so... I quickly make a list of all i need to bring with me and another list of everything i have to arrange and i sigh hoping i can get everything done in time... 

The next day i am early and since i am still alone i go to my storage closet and gather some things i need and when i have gathered it all i sigh... "How am i ever going to get all of this to Atlanta save and whole..." I mumble and i sigh. I look at the pile and for a second i think it is a bad idea... "Breathe..." A voice says and i look up and my friend Sean i standing in the doorway holding two coffees and i smile... 

He walks over and we hug, and he hands me a coffee... "What are you up to that i needed to come over?" He asks getting straight to the point like he always does... I dont get into too much of the details but i tell him that i have been offered a job and that means i will be gone for 6 months... That i need someone to take over jobs that people dont mind having him take over and that i was hoping that person would be him... 

We talk over some details and i am happy he is happy to help out... My assistant walks in and smiles... "Sean... Meet Melissa my assistant... Melissa... This is Sean he will be filling in, in my absence..." I say and they shake hands... I ask them to go over the schedule together and to call people and if people dont want him to take over to refer them to someone else... Melissa and Sean go to her desk and get to work and i look at the pile of equipment and sigh... 

I sit behind my desk and think about how to get it there... I sigh and pull out my phone and unblock Chris his number... He travels way more than me and he must have an idea how to get it all save and sound to Atlanta... I text him and he immediately texts me back and asks if it is okay to come over to my office and that he will help... I hesitate for a moment but text him okay and take a deep breath... 

Half an hour later Chris walks in and Melissa and Sean dont even notice him too caught up in their work and laughing together which makes me happy... It is good to see they get along great it gives me a little assurance that my business will be okay... 

"Hey..." Chris says smiling and i smile back... "So, what do you all need to get to Atlanta..." He says and i chuckle and point to the pile of equipment and he laughs... "Are you going to set up shop there?" He asks and i grin... "No this is all i need to make you and your fellow actors look good..." I say smirking and he grins back at me... "Do you have any idea how i am going to get it safe and sound to Atlanta...?" I ask and he nods... "I do... Me and Seb are flying private... There is plenty room for one more and her luggage on board..." He says smiling and i look at him in shock... 

"If she wants of course... It is up to you, but you will know everything will be handled with care and will arrive save..." Chris says and i nod... I think it over for a second but i know this is the best option... It will be less stressful than watching my bags be taken away knowing it is thousands of dollars' worth of equipment... Not knowing how i will get it back... "That would be amazing... Thank you..." I say and blush a little because he really didn't have to do this... Not after the last few weeks... "That is what friends are fore..." He says and i smile at the word friends... 

"Where are you staying?" He asks and i name the Hotel... "Seb and i rented a house together... There is plenty of space..." He says but i shake my head... "Look Chris i am grateful for what you are doing for me but i dont think it is wise..." I whisper and for a minute i think he is going to protest but no... "Okay... Just wanted you to know..." He says and i smile... "Thanks... and again thanks for letting me tag along..." I say and he smiles... "Let me help you pack everything up..." He says and i smile...

Chris leaves after 2 hours. He has helped me pack things up and i agree for him to pick me up to travel together to the plane... He already takes some bags so i dont have to drag them back and forth as they are heavy... 

Melissa looks at me and smiles... "It is good to see you two back to normal again..." She says and i nod... "Yeah well he will be there for the next four months so better if we get along..." I mumble and she smiles... They give me an update as they finished calling around and 80% of the people dont mind Sean taking over... Some took the referrals with the option to come back to Sean and the others postponed until i was going to be back...I smile and feel relieved... Now all i have to do is get ready at home... "Thank you... Both of you..." I say smiling... 

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