Chapter 112

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"Christopher... Those are not assistants... Those are freaking brick walls..." I whisper to Chris as he had just introduced me to Gary and King... "They are your assistants angel..." He says feigning innocence and i roll my eyes. I look up at them and they both try their best not to laugh... "Mrs. Evans... We are here to help you in any way you need..." King says and i look at Chris again... "Dont tell me there is another one of those coming..." I say and Chris chuckles... "No... The other is a former mid wife..." He says and my eyes grow wide... "You got to be fucking kidding me..." I say and look at Chris and shake my head... 

We had just dropped Jack of at the little school setup and he had been so excited... He was so ready to start learning and although he has had a few days with the teacher back home this was completely new and he was just buzzing with excitement. 

A woman comes walking up to us and she smiles and shakes Chris his hand... "Mr. Evans i am Ms. Langston... And this must be the mother to be..." She says smiling and instead of shaking my hand she immediately goes for my belly and i step back out of her grip... "Please dont touch me... I dont know you... You can shake my hand in civil manner instead of groping me immediately..." I say and Ms. Langston looks at me stunned for a moment and Chris takes a deep breath turning bright red as i look at him annoyed... 

Ms. Langston is a middle-aged woman grey hair... The typical stereotype grandmother appearance... I have to take a deep breath as she ignores my remark completely and turns to Chris... Great she is a... The man is the head of the household types... What he says goes... "What do you need me to do..." She says smiling and even Chris looks a little stunned... "Anything my wife wants Ms. Langston... You will be here assistant..." Chris says with a confused undertone... 

"Got it..." She says winking at Chris as if there is some underlying message and i look at Chris now angry... I look at King and Gary and take a deep breath... "Well, you guys seem quite capable to carrying my stuff so here you go..." I say handing Gary my camera bag who takes it and smirks and nods... I roll my eyes as King picks up this folding chair to carry around... "I will see you later Christopher..." I say giving Chris a quick peck on the lips still annoyed with him and he knows as i only call him Christopher when i am angry or annoyed... "I am going to meet up with the Russo's..." I mumble and walk off King and Gary following... Ms. Langston scrambling to catch up... 

"Avaaaa!" The Russo's say enthusiastically, and both hug me... "You look radiant..." Joe says... "Yes, pregnancy suits you..." Anthony says and i smile and thank them both... We go over the logistics they tell me to take it easy and to most off all think about myself and the babies... I nod and we go over the schedule and to my surprise they have longer lunchbreaks... Which means i can take a quick nap if i feel like i need it...

After meeting with the Russo's i make my way to the hair and makeup trailers and i tell King, Gary and Ms. Langston to wait outside... King and Gary nod but Ms. Langston protests...

"I need to be where you are Ava that is what i was told by your husband..." She says and i shoot her a look... "First of all, it is Mrs. Evans for you... Second of all... No, you dont... People are changing in here... If i need you i will call you..." I say and she huffs... "If people are changing in there... Why can you go in and not me..." She says and my blood starts to boil... Gary and King look at me shocked because of the audacity of this woman... "Because one of those people is my husband... The others are my friends... The 2 who have walked me down the aisle and are comfortable with me around... Not you... No, you wait here..." I say and want to walk in but i take a deep breath... "You know what... Can you get me and iced tea and a donut... I am really craving a donut..." I say my mouth-watering thinking about it, and she looks at me annoyed and huffs but turns around and leaves... 

"You two can call me Ava..." I say to King and Gary who both look at me smirking. I take a deep breath before i walk in... I close the door behind me and groan... Mackie and Seb look up at me confused... "Where is my husband... Because i am going to kill him..." I growl and Seb and Mackie look at me and point to the back not saying a word... Probably because the look on my face is telling them to not mess with me right now... 

I walk to the back and two women are standing there and i point at the dressing room... "My husband in there?" I ask pointing at the dressing room and they both nod not saying a word... "Can you please give us a moment..." I ask them, trying to keep my calm and they hurry out of the room... Without warning i pull open the curtain... "Hey!" Chris says but as soon as he sees it is me and we are alone he relaxes... But then he sees the look on my face... "What is wrong angel..." He says and i take another deep breath... "Ms. Langston...? Seriously...?" I say and Chris takes in a deep breath... "She came highly recommended..." He says and i roll my eyes... "By whom... The people of women belong in the kitchen magazine..." I growl and Chris chuckles... 

"Angel... I thought it would be good to have someone there who knows all about pregnancy and can help you with that... Please give her a chance... It has only been.... 45 minutes..." He says looking at his watch and i take a deep breath... "Yes, in which she already has gotten on my nerves..." I mumble and Chris sighs... "Angel i want only the best for you and the babies... And i was told she was the best..." He says and i groan because i love that he is so caring but i dont like Ms. Langston and the way she makes me feel... But i can see the worry in Chris his eyes and take a deep breath... "Fine..." I mumble and take another deep breath... "Thank you angel..." He whispers kissing me and i let out a little moan... "Give me a second and i walk out with you..." He says and i nod... 

5 minutes later we walk outside and are met by Gary, King and Ms. Langston... "Here you go sweetheart..." She says and i look at the items in her hand and i look at Gary and King who are avoiding looking back at me... She hands me a bottle of water and an apple...  "These are healthier options dear..."  She says and i look up at Chris anger radiating off of me... "I asked for iced tea and a donut..." I spit at him with venom in my voice and his eyes grow wide... "Ms. Langston... Go get my wife what she asked for..." He says and she huffs... "Mr. Evans... You pay me to take care of her..." She starts to say, and Chris shakes his head... "No... No i dont... I pay you to be her assistant... So, assist... She is your boss not me..." He says in a stern voice... "Now go get her what she asked you for and this better not happen again..." He says and she huffs and stomps off again...

I am just angry... I am so angry with Chris right now... Yes, he scolded her but God i wanted her fired right then and there... I look at him and push the apple and bottle of water in his hand and scoff and walk off Gary and King hot on my tail...

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