Chapter 129

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Chris pov...

I scramble out of bed grabbing the go bag... I am starting to panic running around as a mad man... That is until i see Ava's face and she is in pain... I stop take a deep breath and force myself to calm down... "I am sorry angel..." I say dropping the bag and walking over to her... "It's okay..." She mumbles wincing in pain and i take her hand... She squeezes it hard and i have to bite my tongue not to let her see that it hurts... 

When the pain subsides i help her up... I look at the bed and thank God we put on special bedding... "Let's get you dressed..." I say and she giggles... "Are you going to get dressed to?" She asks and i look down turning bright red as i am not wearing clothes either... "Look i am not complaining but i think it will be distracting for the hospital staff if you show up like this..." She says and i chuckle... "Let's get you dressed first while you dont have a contraction..." I say trying to safe myself from embarrassment and she nods grinning... 

I help her in the clothes we had put out for her and then i quickly get dressed again... Ava is waddling up and down breathing heavy rubbing her belly... I take the bag and take her hand and walk to the kitchen where Ma is sitting down with Jack still playing boardgames... Ma knowing what the outfit means lights up... "Jack i think your brothers are going to be born really soon..." Ma says and Jack jumps up... "Really?" He asks and we both smile but Ava gets another contraction... "Yes bud..." I say smiling and he hugs me... 

The plan originally was that ma was coming with, but we had decided to have her stay with Jack seeing as we then didn't have to worry about him... "So, i am going to take your mom to the hospital and we give you a call when you can come and visit okay... Just like we talked about..." I say to Jack, and he nods and smiles.  "Be good for grandma okay..." Ava says breathing heavy as she comes out of the contraction... He runs over to her and hugs her... "I love you mommy..." He says and i see tears in Ava's eyes... "I love you to sweetheart... So, so much..." She says hugging him back...

"Okay bud i am going to take your mother to the hospital now..." I say and he releases her, and ma takes him as he is a bit emotional... "Be careful mommy..." He says and she waddles over, takes his face in her hands and kisses his cheek... "I promise sweetie..." She whispers comforting him before standing up again...

I take her hand and they wave us off as i help Ava in the car... "I can't believe they are coming now..." She mumbles and  i smile... "I think they listened and heard that you were done and uncomfortable..." I said and she groaned... "Not feeling more comfortable right now sappy..." She mumbles and i take a deep breath... "Breathe angel... Just like we practiced..." I say softly and she takes a deep breath...

I close the car door put the bag in the back and walk around the car getting in and i take off... I think i have practiced the drive to the hospital like a hundred times but still i am worried i forget were to go... I try to drive carefully but when Ava goes to another contraction it pumps my adrenaline up as i hate to see her in pain and i want to be able to fix it... Rationally i know i can't... But still i hate to see her in pain even if i know that at the end of it we will have our beautiful little boys...

"You are doing great angel... You are so strong and amazing..." I say giving her leg a little squeeze and she mumbles something i dont understand but let it go as it is probably not something sweet seeing the look on her face... 

"Sappy... I just want to tell you i am sorry in advance..." She says groaning after a few minutes of silence and i chuckle. "It is okay angel..." I say and she sighs... "Whatever i am going to say just know i dont mean it..." She mumbles and i smile... "I know angel... I know..." I say and give her leg another squeeze...

We arrive at the hospital and i park the car and go to get a wheelchair for Ava. I just hope and pray nobody recognizes me and asks me for pictures... I dont want to be rude but today i will not make time for them... I just hope they understand. I walk back to the car and groan as Ava is already out of it with the bag in hand breathing heavy... "I think we need to hurry..." She mumbles and i look at her a little confused... "I think they are going to come soon..." She says and another contraction runs through her and i sigh... "Braxton hicks my ass..." I mumble...

"What?" She asks and i take a deep breath... "Better move my ass..." I say and she chuckles... "That was not what you said, sappy..." She says raising an eyebrow and i grin before kissing her... "Yes, it was..." I say with an even bigger grin om my face and start pushing her inside...

"Excuse me! My wife's water broke... We are having twins..." I say proudly and i think the woman notices and chuckles... "Second floor, i will let them know you are coming..." She says and i thank her and push Ava towards the elevator. 

"This fucking hurts!" Ava groans grabbing my arm squeezing the life out of it and i had to breathe through it to not scream out... There are people with us in the elevator who chuckle when once again Ava says these are the first and last babies, she will ever have... She has been saying this a lot and although i would love to have more in the end it is up to her... This pregnancy has not been easy on her and i hated seeing her so uncomfortable so i understood... Besides there is always adoption... 

"You are saying that now dear, but just wait until you hold your babies..." A little old lady said and the blood drains from my face seeing the look Ava gives this lady... "Breathe angel..." I say trying to calm her down, but it is to late... "Butt out lady... Nobody asked for your opinion" She snarls, and the lady looks at her horrified... Luckily the doors of the elevator open and i quickly walk us out... "Bitch..." Ava mumbles. I have to bite my tongue to not burst out laughing as i look over my shoulder and see the face of the lady just before the doors of the elevator close. 

"Ava Evans checking in to have two babies..." I say to the lady behind the desk holding up two fingers, and she smiles. Ava has another contraction, and the lady quickly brings us to our room... I let out a sigh of relief... We got here and now we are in good hands. 

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