Chapter 120

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"Sappy look..." I say pointing at my belly button as i am standing naked in front of the mirror after my shower... "It has popped out..." I say giggling and Chris smirks putting his hand on my belly... "I can see that..." He growls as he lets his hand roam my naked body making my body react and i get turned on immediately... 

Yesterday after staying with us for about a week and a half Lisa went back home and to have her around was so amazing that i cried when she left... She had been such an amazing help at work and home... The rest of the family only stayed for two days and initially Lisa would leave with them but after crying that she was leaving so soon she moved some things around and she stayed longer... She promised to be back when i was 30 weeks to help out and i was going to miss her... Having her around has been just so comforting... But on the other hand, i was getting into the horny stage of my pregnancy and fuck i wanted Chris all day every day... 

Today was one of our rare days off and we were alone at the house... Mackie and Seb had gone and took Jack out to the Lego Discover center... He was so excited to spend the day with his favorite uncles... Especially surrounded by Lego... I was looking forward to spending a day with Chris alone... 

"We have some time alone angel..." He murmurs in my ear as his hand glides down my belly and i let out a little moan as he cups my core... My pussy starts to throb and i grab onto him to keep myself steady as he slowly starts to rub me up and down a tingling sensation spreading all through my body... "Does it feel good angel?" He whispers and i hum nodding biting my lip with my eyes closed... I feel him move and i feel him press his soft lips on mine while simultaneously a finger is being pushed inside of me making me whimper... My legs start to shake and i dig my nails in his bicep to keep myself up... "Chris..." I whimper and i feel his free arm snake around my body to hold me up... "Shhh... Just feel it angel... I got you..." He murmurs before kissing me again and i moan as he wriggles his finger inside me... He tightens his grip on me as i am giving in and can't keep myself up anymore... "That's it angel... I got you..." He murmurs again and i feel another finger enter me and i whine... "Dont stop... Feels good just like that... Please Chris..." I whisper my voice hoarse as i barely can get it out because the pleasure is building and the knot in the pit of my stomach is tightening... "Dont worry angel i wont... Going to make you feel good..." He whispers before giving me a sloppy kiss our tongues caressing each other... And then all of a sudden, the bomb bursts and i let out a little whimper...

 "Oh god, yes, yes, yes... Chris!" I say moaning loudly and my legs shake, and my full weight is now in his arms as my legs give out... I am seeing stars and am unable to see straight anymore... He lifts me up bridal style as the pleasure still races through my body... I hum as i feel him lower me on the bed before taking of his clothes and crawling next to me... He spoons me and lifts my leg putting it over his hip and i can feel him rub the tip of his hard dick between my folds before pressing it against my entrance... 

One arm slide underneath me, and he pulls me flush against him holding me tightly pressed against him our bodies melting together. He plants kisses on my body everywhere he can... I moan as i feel him slowly push inside me... He doesn't push in all the way before pulling out again... He repeats this a few times... Pushing his tip in before pulling out again and i moan... When he slowly and gently pushes in again i push back and we both moan as his dick fully glides inside of me and i whimper at the delicious full feeling... I can feel him smile on my skin as he keeps kissing me everywhere...

We move slow and gently... Neither one of us is in a rush and i am enjoying this gentle slow almost lazy sex as we rock our bodies perfectly together... I look over my shoulder and reach behind me running my hand through his hair softly tugging on it and he presses his lips on mine again his tongue begging for access which i am more than happy to grant him... "I love you angel..." He whispers as we come up for air and i take in a sharp breath as a warm feeling spread through my body... "I love you too sappy..." I whisper back and our lips find each other again for a sloppy sensual kiss... 

After we break the kiss, he goes to kissing me everywhere he can again... His lips on my skin his hand softly massaging me all over feels so good and that in combination of our bodies softly rocking together brings me higher and higher... I am feeling on cloud nine the familiar knot in the pit of my stomach starting to tighten again... But what pushes me over the edge is when his free hand glides back to my core and he starts to rub circles on clit. I reach behind me pulling him closer against me if that is even possible...

My body squirms as my orgasm washes over me... I just claw at him grabbing him were i can moaning his name and whimpering... I am in heaven the pregnancy making everything just so more sensitive and my orgasm makes me roll my eyes in the back of my head... I am in a daze... Seeing stars yet again my walls clamping down hard on Chris his dick and he groans his hips snapping forward before he finds his release grunting my name in my ear... "Fuck Ava..." He whispers in a low growl as we both come down from our high not moving as he starts to plant kisses all over me again and i hum... 

All of a sudden i get the urge to pee and i start to wriggle to get off of bed and Chris chuckles... "Dont laugh... Need to pee... Can you please help me... Or i will pee on the bed..." I say pouting and Chris laughs and he gets up and walks around helping me up... I smile and kiss him before waddling off to the bathroom... When i am done peeing and i wash my hands i look in the bathroom mirror and my eyes grow wide... I am covered in hickey's... "Christopher Robert Evans!" I yell and i hear laughing and i waddle out of the bathroom... I was in such a daze overwhelmed by pleasure that i had not noticed that what i thought were kisses are in fact hickeys...

"What the fuck! It is like a hundred fucking degrees outside... I can't wear my summer dresses now... What am i supposed to do..." I say and i start to get emotional... I know it is not rational to cry but i am either super horny or super emotional... Yesterday i cried over the fact that Sebastian had eaten the last strawberries... I had been inconsolable, and Seb was horrified going to the store immediately to get me some more... Making me cry again as i was feeling guilty for making him do that... Only for him to come back with strawberries for my craving to be over and not eating them... 

"What am i going to tell Jack when he asks what these are..." I say and Chris scrambles of the bed and walks over to me and pulling me into his arms...  "I am sorry angel... I was getting caught up... We can tell Jack you had an allergic reaction or something..." He says rubbing my back and let out a sigh... "Let's take a nap angel..." Chris whisper and he let me go taking my hand walking me to the bed... "Can you be my pillow..." I whisper pouting at him, and he chuckles... "Of course, angel..." He says and he lays down and i crawl into bed wrapping myself around him letting out a sigh... Soon i am dozed off perfectly content in Chris his arms all the emotions of just a second ago gone...

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