Chapter 135

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Chris pov...

I have to keep it together... I wanted to stop Ava from walking into the house but i couldn't and she rightfully freaked out... She was so looking forward to coming home and that all was now going down the drain... I had called the police and i try to calm Ava down while still on the phone with 911... She wouldn't leave with ma and Jack and in her state i didn't want to stress her even more... They would send an ambulance to as i was worried about Ava's state as she had given birth not even a week ago... She was now comforting Owen rocking him as he was screaming his little longs out... Aiden was still asleep oblivious to what had happened... 

We hear the sirens getting closer and closer and i am vigilant... I dont know when the person who did this was in the house... Maybe he was still here as ma had checked up on the house before she left, and everything was still okay... "Shit the gate..." I mumble and go in front of the car and press the button to open the gate so the emergency services can come in... 

The lady on the line keeps telling me that they are close but minutes feel like hours and i am anxiously looking around alert to protect Ava and my little ones... I dont think that the person that did this is still here, but you never know... I let out a sigh of relief when i feel the first car drive onto the premises and stops near us and two officers get out walk over to us... 

"We got a call of a break in?" One of them says and i nod... "I dont know if they are still inside... I didn't check as i have my wife and 2 youngest here with me... The house is ransacked and destroyed..." I say as more cops show up surrounding us... "We will go check..." The officer says and they quickly make a plan and with guns out they enter the house... I wrap my arms around Ava and kiss the top of her head as she finally managed to get Owen to calm down... An officer stays with us and that is when an ambulance pulls up... 

"Angel... I need you to let them check you out..." I whisper as i know that she will resist... Out of the corner of my eye i see the paramedics walk over to us... "Please angel..." I whisper and she sighs and nods... I step aside... "Can you guys check her out she gave birth 6 days ago and well the inside of the house was quite the shock..." I say and i look at Ava who is shivering with Owen in her arms... 

"I will hold your baby..." An officer says smiling and she looks at me and hands me Owen and the officer turns bright red as Ava goes with the paramedics totally ignoring the officer... "Sorry... It is not personal..."I say putting Owen who is dozing off again back in his car seat... "She is a little anxious due to what happened and well they are only a few days old..." I explain and the officer nods... 

All of a sudden, the officers walk out of the house again and put their guns back in their holsters... "The house is clear Mr. Evans but you weren't exaggerating when you said it is destroyed... We have called in techs and detectives..." The officer says and i sigh and nod... I walk over to Ava and gently explain what is going to happen and she starts to cry again... "Where do we go?" She asks and i sigh... "To ma... I guess... We will make a plan what to do next from there..." I whisper holding her again...

"Angel i think it is better that you go to ma with the boys now... There is nothing you can do here, and the boys need to be fed soon and changed and you need to rest..." She sighs and nods giving in purely because of the boys... 

I walk over to the officers and ask if they can spare someone to bring Ava and the boys to ma's house... One of the officer's volunteers and after introducing him to Ava they leave in our car... I sigh and watch them drive off before turning back to the house and taking a deep breath... 

Another car pulls up and when the man and woman get out of the car, they get introduced to me as detectives not long after that more cars pull up and more people decent on the house to search for evidence... Ava texts me that she and the boys are at ma's and that she is going to take a nap with Jack after getting the twins fed and changed... 

"Mr. Evans?" I hear a voice and i turn around to see the female detective standing there... "Uhm call me Chris..." I mumble... "Sorry i forgot your name..." I say letting out a sigh and running my hand through my hair and she gives me a reassuring smile... "Call me Grace..." She says and i nod... "I saw you had a security system... Did you get an alarm notification?" She asks and i shake my head... "No... And i dont think the security company did either otherwise they would have called... I have no idea how the person got in and surpassed the alarm... It is top of the line..." I mumble and she nods... "All the camera's work?" She asks and i nod... "They are supposed to... There are camera's in and around the house and along the fenced perimeter... No blind spots... I made sure of that..." I say waving around and she nods... "Do you have controls of those cameras in the house?" She asks and i nod and she takes a deep breath... "If you are comfortable and willing to go inside, would you mind showing me...?" She asks and i nod... 

I take a deep breath and prepare myself to go inside... "Are you okay Mr. Evans?" She asks and i nod... "I am... It is just this was our safe space and to see it so... Well, it is not a good feeling... My wife just gave birth... She just wanted to go home and enjoy the time with our boys and now... Well now it is uhm... I dont know what it is..." I say tearing up having a little weak moment... 

"I understand... The graffiti... Is it possible that it is someone you know?" She asks and all of a sudden it hits me and i look at her shocked... "Yes... My wife's car has been sabotaged a while ago... Her brakes were cut... But the police couldn't find evidence on who did it... But right before she drove off, she saw Josh... An old friend of ours we are no longer in contact... She went out with him for a little bit... She broke it off after he hit her... Her face was black and blue..." I say pulling up the picture i had saved... 

"He didn't take it well when she kicked him out, especially when he found out she and i got together..." I mumble and the detective writes it all down. "Did she press charges?" The detective asks and i sigh and shake my head... "She didn't want to... She wanted to forget it..." I mumble and the detective nods... "If i give you an email address, can you send me that picture and every other picture you have?" She asks and i nod a little hesitantly... I dont know if Ava would want me to but i think they need it... If it was Josh, they need all the proof and information they can get...

"Okay, are you ready to go inside?" She asks and i nod taking a deep breath...

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