Chapter 33

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I reach behind me as we are totally lost in the moment and take his hands slowly moving it putting it on one of my boobs and he smiles into the kiss... He groans and gently squeezes and i dont freeze so i take his other hand moving it to my other boob and i moan as he pulls the cups of my bra down freeing them... "God i dreamed of these..." He whispers and traces the straps of my bra... "You have?" I ask softly as if i can't believe it... and he grins and nods... 

"Can i?" He asks running his fingers up and down the bra straps and i smile blushing nodding reaching behind me to unclasp it for him... He pushes the straps down and he slowly and gently pulls my bra down my arms letting it drop to the floor... "Fuck..." He mutters taking in a sharp breath before taking them in his hands and bringing his mouth down sucking on my nipples while gently squeezing them making me moan and i put my hands in his hair pulling him closer in my chest as the pleasure, he is providing me with sources through my body...

I moan throwing my head back closing my eyes reveling in his touch as it feels so good... He releases one of my nipples with a pop and i snap my head back opening my eyes and he looks back at me... His eyes are dark... They are filled with lust, and he smiles before crashing his lips on mine again wrapping his arms around me and pulling me flush against him... I can feel something poke me and i moan... "And i dreamed of this to..." He murmurs into the kiss as his hands glide in my underwear grabbing my ass and i whimper... 

I am like putty in his hands my mind is quiet and i glide my hands over his body wanting to feel every inch of him... "Chris... Please..." I moan... "Tell me what you want angel..." He whispers in my ear in this low husk tone... I shiver as the vibration of his voice sends shivers down my spine... "Take me to bed... I dont want our first time to be in a closet..." I whine and he smiles and i let out a little yelp as he lifts me up with ease and i wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck attaching my lips with his again while moving my hips grinding against him and he growls squeezing my ass harder... 

He walks us out the closet never breaking the kiss and he growls as i keep grinding against him desperate for some sort of relief as my pussy is throbbing and dripping wet my underwear for sure ruined... The underwear i just had put on and decided i felt comfortable and sexy enough in to show him... To take this step... My want and need for him have taken over... Quieting my mind and God it feels so fucking good... 

Every little doubt has been silenced as he plays with my body... He gently puts me down on the bed crawling over me a smile on his face as he kisses me... "You're in control angel... At any moment you want me to stop just say the word and i will..." He whispers rubbing his thumb over my cheek and i blush nodding... He settles between my legs kissing me again as his hand glides down over my neck down my sternum and over my stomach before dipping into my underwear cupping my core rubbing me up and down a few times before his fingers sink into me making me gasp... "And you have no idea how many times i dreamed about this..." He whispers wiggling his fingers inside of me and i moan... 

"Chris..." I moan and he growls... "God i love it when you moan my name angel... I think it is my new favorite sound..." He whispers before gently kissing me again his fingers still inside of me... "Fuck you are so tight..." He growls as i squeeze my walls around his fingers... 

He pulls his fingers out of me and i whine at the loss of contact, but my whine quickly turns into a moan as i see him lick his fingers clean... "So sweet..." He murmurs... and i moan again... He kisses me and is about to make his way down starting a trail of kisses but i take his face in my hands and pull him up kissing him... "Tell me what you want angel..." He whispers looking me in the eyes and i blush... "You..." I whisper and he smiles... "You have me angel..." He says smiling and i whine... "No... I want you inside of me... Please Chris..." I beg him and he growls...  "God i love how you beg..." He growls pulling his pants down throwing it off the bed... I giggle when he reaches over to the nightstand grabbing a condom from a stash i had not put there... 

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