Chapter 114

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"Chris... Can you take Jack back to class after lunch? I am going to take a quick nap..." I say after i have finished my lunch. Chris nods looking at me sad but i ignore it i dont have the capacity to deal with him in a civil matter right now...   I give Jack a hug and kiss and tell him to have fun in class later...

I wave goodbye to everyone, and they all tell me to have a nice nap... I walk to the trailer that has been put here for me and i walk inside and i kick off my shoes... ... I crawl into the bed make myself comfortable and soon doze off... Not in a deep sleep but just a light slumber... Like always if i have to sleep in a new environment just can't fully give in... Especially with the idea of so many people running around me...

I dont know how long i am slumbering when i hear the door open and close... Thinking it is probably Chris i ignore it and close my eyes again as i dont want to talk to him but maybe if he thinks i am asleep, he will come and cuddle... I will not say no to a cuddle as weird as that maybe... But as i listen to the sound of rummaging around i notice that it is not Chris... This person sounds... Lighter... The footsteps are not Chris's. I open my eyes and Ms. Langston is standing there with my phone in hand, and it looks like she is trying to guess the code... "What the hell!!!" I yell and she jumps dropping my phone... "What are you doing here... What are you doing with my phone!" I yell and she turns bright red... "Sshhh go back to sleep... You need your rest..." She says trying to shush me but i am not having it and i get off the bed scrambling to put my shoes back on in order to get away from her... This woman is nuts... Absolutely insane... I am here in the trailer alone... With a crazy woman... 

"Answer the damn question!" I say as she picks up my phone and i snatch it out of her hands... She looks at me and puts her hands on her hips... "No need to be emotional... It is just the hormones... I was just trying to turn off your alarm so you could get some rest... I am only doing what is best for you as a first-time mom... You shouldn't be working at all..." She says lecturing me like a little kid and i have had it... 

"Get out! You are fired! Get the fuck out..." I yell and she scoffs... "You can't fire me... Your husband has hired me and only him can fire me..." She says in a snarky tone a grin on her face and i scoff and shake my head... "Fine... As you wish..." I growl and push passed her and walk out... Chris is sitting with Scarlet and Lizzie while Jack is playing with Seb and Mackie and they look at me and i wave at him to take Jack away and they nod pick up Jack and they leave with him... I dont want him to see me yell at Chris... 

Chris seems to be getting berated and i take a deep breath stomping over to him... "Christopher Robert Evans...! You fire that woman! Or you can sleep here in the trailer for the rest of the time we are here...! " I growl at him, and he looks at me shocked... "I caught her in the trailer when she thought i was asleep trying to get in my phone... She says it was to turn off my alarm because she says she knows what is best but who knows what she was doing with my phone... On top of that she thinks i should just go home and stop working!" I say with venom in my voice... 

"I am just looking out for your wife Mr. Evans..." She says in this sweet old lady tone and i roll my eyes... Chris takes a deep breath and walks over to me and cups my face and kisses me... "Sorry sweetheart... I should have listened this morning..." He says and i let out a sigh of relief... "Ms. Langston... You are fired..." He says and as soon as he had said that i let out a sigh of relief before bursting out in tears burying my head in his chest clinging onto him... 

"Mr. Evans... Let's not overreact... I know pregnancy and your wife is going to be a first-time mom... Who do you think knows better... the woman who is going to be a mother for the first time... Or me... the woman who has helped bring thousands of babies into the world... Your wife is just a little emotional right now due to hormones... She will see i know what is best..." She says and i can't stop crying as she says i will be a first-time mom, she is just ignoring Jack all together... 

"First of all, she is not a first-time mom... We have a son... Second of all she knows what is best for her... You were only here to get her what she wants and needs... Not to baby her... I told you this when i hired you... I told you this, this morning... You crossed the line so far that is a dot to you by going in the trailer when she is sleeping and taking her phone... From what i have heard you have been nothing but a stress factor and i should have fired you this morning when my wife came to me..." He says and i feel him move... 

"Gary... King... Can you make sure Ms. Langston leaves and turns in all her access cards and check if she doesn't take things that dont belong to her..." Chris says as he rubs my back up and down in order to get me to calm down... 

"It will be our pleasure Chris..." He says and the next thing i hear is Ms. Langston protesting and screaming as she is being lead away as i am still buried in Chris his chest softly sobbing... "I am so sorry angel... I am so sorry... She is gone now... Please calm down... I am so sorry..." He whispers over and over... 

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