Chapter 137

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Chris pov...

Ma and i drive to her place in silence. I am burned out and feel numb... It was really him. After the whole incident with Ava's car, we hadn't seen or heard from him... The police couldn't proof, it had been him and left it at that. To be honest i kind of forgotten about him. Life was busy and he was quiet so i thought it was done, that he had given up and had let go... Moved on but i guess not. 

I let out a deep breath and fight against my tears. We should have been home now... Ava feeding our boys in our bed. Jack should be playing in his room with his toys... The toys that were scattered all over the room and destroyed now... I had not taken a look in our own bedroom but from what i had heard our room was in the worst condition... I just couldn't bring myself to see it. 

I feel like a failure. I should be providing my family with a safe space, a home. I failed at that. I know it might not be rational but that is how i feel. I should be able to protect my family, provide them with a safe space and right now i could not. 

Ma pulls up to her house and parks the car. She gets out and looks at me before closing the door. "Are you coming?" She asks a worried look on her face and i sigh... "I just need a minute... I will be right in..." I say and ma nods and closes the door and walks towards the house disappearing inside. I just needed a moment to pull myself together. I needed to be strong for my family. I will be useless if i break down. 

I think about the talk i had with the detectives about what is going to happen now... They are collecting evidence right now and are going to Josh his place to arrest him. They will let me know when we can have access to the house to do what we have to. Whether it is fixing the house for sale or fixing it for us to life in it again... But i was worried about how long this would all going to take... He had been waving to the camera as he entered our house so i was almost sure he would not be home. I had a feeling that even though it was an open and shut case it would not be over for a long time. They were going to go to his place to arrest him, but something told me he would not be there.

I think it was the way he looked at the camera... Without a care in the world... It all happened 2 weeks ago... 2 weeks ago he smashed our house... With a smile on his face. And why? Because he couldn't get her?  Because he was angry with me for being with her now? He had only himself to blame. He was the one who ruined his chance by hitting her... By trying to control her, being jealous and insecure about what Ava and i were at that moment... 

But above all  i couldn't stop thinking... What if we had been home? What if Ava and the kids had been home without me. Did he know we were not home? 

All these questions come flooding in. I dont think they will be answered until Josh is arrested and even then, they might not... I sigh when all of a sudden, the door of the car opens, and Ava gets in... "Hey sappy..." She says softly smiling taking my hand kissing the back of it and i force a smile back at her... "Hey angel..." I whisper and take her hand and kiss it to... "Why are you still out here... Why dont you come in the house?" She asks and i sigh. "Just needed a little moment angel..." I say and she sighs... 

"We are going to be okay Chris..." She whispers and i look at her. As distraught as she looked before, as calm she looks now which surprises me. "It was Josh..." I say deciding to just rip the band aid off as she didn't know that yet. She takes a deep breath. "I am not surprised... I had a feeling..." She says and we stay silent for a second... 

"I am sorry..." I say and now she looks at me confused. "Sorry?" She asks confused and i nod. "I am sorry for not being able to protect you and the kids from all this..." I say and Ava sighs and shakes her head. "Chris... How did you had to prevent this... The alarm never went off..." She says with determination in her voice. I ignore it as i am getting emotional. "I am sorry that we can't go home... That i can't provide you with a safe space..." I say my emotions getting to the surface and tears now streaming down my face as everything just boils over... 

"Hey, hey, hey... You have nothing to be sorry for. It is not your fault... We will be okay. We will get through this. We will get the house back into shape and will move in again with our boys and make it our home again." She says and as i look at her surprised she puts both hands on my face and wipes away my tears... "He is not going to win... He is not going to chase us out of our dream home... We are going to fix the house and move in and be happy... He will not win... We will come out of this stronger because we love each other... We are not going to let him destroy us..." Ava says leaning in and giving me a soft kiss.

"You have nothing to be sorry for..." Ava says again and i cry even harder and she pulls me in her arms and just holds me... Everything just comes to the surface as i had been holding it in for all this time... "I am scared..." I say sobbing and she holds me tighter... "I got you..." She says and i hear the click of my seatbelt and wrap my arms around her clinging onto her... 

"Let's go inside... Let's get some food in you and get you to take a nap..." She whispers but i dont let her go... I dont want her to let me go her holding me is comforting... "He will not break us..." She whispers again with determination in her voice... "I will not let him..." She says and she keeps planting kisses all over me...

"Come on sappy... Let's go inside..." She whispers and i sit up and take her face in my hands and kiss her passionately... "I love you, angel..." I whisper and she gets the biggest smile on her face... Even with all this going on she smiles... That beautiful smile that melts my heart every time... "I love you too sappy..." She whispers and she opens the car door and gets out... I get out myself and she walks over to me and holds out her hand... I smile and take it before she pulls me into the house... 

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