Chapter 116

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Chris pov...

"Christopher Robert Evans! You fire that woman! Or you can sleep in the trailer for the time we are here!" I hear and the tone of her voice cuts me to the bone... She only says my full name when she is really pissed... And she sounds really, really pissed. Lizzie and Scarlet look at me... "Time to fix this Evans..." Scarlets says and i nod... I turn around and i see Seb and Mackie take Jack away towards his class and i know i am in deep shit because of this...

""I caught her in the trailer when she thought i was asleep trying to get in my phone... She says it was to turn off my alarm because she says she knows what is best but who knows what she was doing with my phone... On top of that she thinks i should just go home and stop working!" Ava growls at me and my heart drops... That is so out of line and i can't even imagine why this woman would be doing that... The anger radiating from Ava is palpable and i know she is distraught and at any moment she is going to cry as she always cries when she is angry...

I walk over to Ava and Ms. Langston who has followed her says something about only looking out for her but i have had enough everyone has been right this is only adding more stress... I fucked up and i need to fix this... 

"Sorry sweetheart... I should have listened this morning..." I say and kiss her... She seems relieved and it breaks my heart that i caused this... I hired this woman... I in my desperation of keeping her safe only thought about myself and our babies not about Ava and how she would feel about all this... Not only that but when she came to me with concerns i asked her to give it a chance...

Ms. Langston... You are fired..." I say and the woman looks at me in shock and i think a hint of disgust as she takes a deep breath... But as soon as i had said it Ava let out a sigh of relief and started crying as the emotions just became too much... 

Ms. Langston crosses her arms in front of her chest and takes a deep breath as if she is getting ready to fight... In the corner of my eye i see King and Gary walk in which makes me feel relieved as i can ask them to remove her... I wave them over...

"Mr. Evans... Let's not overreact... I know pregnancy and your wife is going to be a first-time mom... Who do you think knows better... the woman who is going to be a mother for the first time... Or me... the woman who has helped bring thousands of babies into the world... Your wife is just a little emotional right now due to hormones... She will see i know what is best..." Ms. Langston says and i can't believe what i am hearing... How could i have been so stupid... Ava starts to cry even harder and is clinging onto me and i have to hold her up... The audacity of this woman to say we are not parents yet while she knows about Jack is staggering....

"First of all, she is not a first-time mom... We have a son... Second of all she knows what is best for her... You were only here to get her what she wants and needs... Not to baby her... I told you this when i hired you... I told you this, this morning... You crossed the line so far that is a dot to you by going in the trailer when she is sleeping and taking her phone... From what i have heard you have been nothing but a stress factor and i should have fired you this morning when my wife came to me..." I say and Ms. Langston looks at me stunned... I point at Ms. Langston and look at Gary and King...

"Gary... King... Can you make sure Ms. Langston leaves and turns in all her access cards and check if she doesn't take things that dont belong to her..." I say as i rubs Ava's back up and down in order to get her to calm down... But as soon as i told them to escort her off Ava seem to relax a little bit more... 

King and Gary tell me the would be happy to and they drag Ms. Langston off kicking and screaming while i apologize to Ava over and over again... I sigh as i still have to hold her up and she is exhausted... "Evans... Take her home... You are done for the day anyway... What we still had scheduled can be done tomorrow... It is okay she needs her rest, and she is too stressed right now..." Joe says and i let out a deep sigh. "Are you sure?" I mumble and he smiles and nods. 

I lift Ava up in my arms... Some people chuckle as i am still in the suit carrying her to our trailer so i can change and as i normally could see the humor in it all i am focused on right now is to calm my pregnant wife... 

I walk into the trailer and lay her down on the bed... "I am going to change for a second sweetheart..." I whisper and she hums as she closes her eyes and before i even know it, she is out like a light... I sigh and feel my own tears coming and i sit down on the edge of the bed having a little cry... Part of me knows i dont deserve to cry... I caused her discomfort and stress... Being overprotective ended up not being protective at all and the guilt is eating me... "Sappy...?" A soft voice says and i wipe away my tears... 

"Yes angel...?" I say turning around feeling relief flood my system as she calls me by the pet name again... "Can you lay with me here so i can take a nap before we go home..." She mumbles her voice sad and vulnerable... I take a deep breath... She wants me... Even though i caused all this she wants me to comfort her and i nod... "Give me a second to change angel..." I whisper and she sighs... 

"Just undress and get in... I need to feel you..." She murmurs and i can't help but a little smile form... As quickly as i can i get out of the suit and crawl into bed with her and pull her in my arms positioning her so i know i am supporting her growing belly and she will be comfortable... "Can you help me take off my clothes..." She mumbles half asleep and i move and i help her out of her clothes having some difficulty as she is basically asleep exhausted of all the emotions and stress... 

But it is all worth it to hear her satisfied hum when i am lying back down with her in my arms exactly how i know he will be comfortable her skin on mine... I pull the blankets over us and i doesn't take long before i hear her softly snoring... 

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