Chapter 24

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After breakfast i went to get changed and i walked around exploring a little bit... The house is massive... There is an entertainment room, an indoor pool with jacuzzi and a massive garage... There is only one car in it and so much empty space. 

An idea pops in my head and i smirk... I walk into the house making my way to the living room were Chris and Seb are being lazy enjoying their last day off... I am all giddy and can't stop smirking. 

"Seb... Chris..." I say batting my eyes at them and they look up at me confused... "What's up... Everything okay?" Chris says sitting up right looking at me worried and i smirk... "I was wondering if you guys could do me a little favor..." I say trying to put on my sweetest smile... I need a distraction to quiet my mind after all the information i overheard this morning and taking pictures will always do the trick... 

"What kind of favor..." Seb asks looking at me with a raised eyebrow a little weary... "I need to set up my equipment... You know change settings and all that kind of stuff... And i wanted to have a little fun with it with my favorite models..." I say trying to sweettalk them... Seb groans and Chris sighs... "Please Sebby..." I say batting my eyes at him and he groans standing up... "What do you need..." He says letting out a massive sigh and i look at him with the biggest smile on my face... "I am going to pick an outfit from you closet and while you guys change i am going to set up in the garage..." I say beaming and Seb sighs but mumbles "Fine..." 

"I go pick out Seb's outfit first and then I'll come to your room to pick one out for you..." I say smiling at Chris who just nods and stands up...  

I am going through Seb his clothes as he patiently waits for me to finally pick something... "Nope... Nope... Nope..." I mumble going through his closet and he sighs all of a sudden i smirk as i see a garment bag... I open it and smirk... It is a tux... "Sebby..." I say smirking... "Avaaaa..." He answers and i chuckle... "Do you know if Chris brought a tux..." I say and Seb groans... "Yes, he has... We have an event in 2 months, so he brought either a suit or a tux..." Seb says and i let out a little squeal... 

I take the bag and hand it to him... "Go change and do your hair... Leave the rest up to me... This is going to be so much fun...!" I say all excited before leaving the room and going to Chris's... I walk in not bothering to knock and Chris looks up and smiles... He is sitting on the bed waiting for me his phone in hand and puts it away when he sees me... I walk straight to his closet and grab the garment bag... I walk back into the bedroom and step between his legs. I look at him with a smirk on my face as he is looking up at me... 

I lay the garment bag down on the bed beside him... "Really Angel... A tux...?" He says letting out a sigh and i nod still a smirk on my face... "Please..." I say batting my eyes and Chris chuckles... "You are not playing fair..." He sighs and i smile running my hand through his hair catching myself by surprise as i never really done that before... He closes his eyes and hums and i do it again... "Come on it will be fun... I promise..." I whisper and he opens his eyes and i smile back at him...

"You're lucky you're cute..." He mumbles and i blush... "Charmer... Save it for the camera..." I say softly and he smiles... "Do i really have to wear the tux...?" He asks letting out a groan and i nod but smirk at him... "You can go in your birthday suit... It is up to you..." I say grinning and he chuckles rolling his eyes... "Fine i will wear the tux..." He says and stands up towering over me our bodies touching and i hug him...  It catches him by surprise again, but he doesn't protest and hugs me back taking in a deep breath... "You better go change... I will set up..." I whisper but i dont move and neither does he... 

There is a knock on the door and Chris and i pull apart and after Chris tells Seb to come in the door opens... "Oh good you are still here... I need help..." Seb says and i smirk... I walk over and help him with his collar and bowtie... I can hear Chris changing behind me and it takes everything in me to not turn around to watch him... 

"Okay all done... Go do your hair..." I say to Seb and he nods and walks out again... I turn around as Chris is just starting to button up his dress shirt and i smile... "Here let me..." I say stepping in front of me and i take over buttoning his dress shirt up and he follows my every move... 

"Chris...?" I whisper and i look up... "Yeah..." He says taking a deep breath and i give him a small smile hesitating a little bit... "What is it Angel..." He whispers and cups my face and rubs his thumb over cheek... "Can you... No... You know what... Never mind its nothing..." I mumble and Chris sighs... "You can ask me anything Angel..." He says and i take a deep breath... "Can you sleep in my room again tonight..." I whisper looking away holding my breath waiting for his answer hoping he doesn't say no because i will die of shame if he rejects me... I keep fumbling with the last button as i wait for his answer and he takes a deep breath.

"Of course..." He whispers and i look up and he smiles at me... I blush even more, and he just smiles at me... "Do you need help with your bowtie to?" I ask and he nods with a smirk, and it tells me he doesn't need help but just doesn't want to break our little moment... "All done..." I whisper and he smiles...

"I am going to set up... Go do your hair... See you in a bit" I whisper and Chris nods smiling and i walk out of the room...

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