Chapter 99

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"Oh god yes... Yes... Yes... Yes... Chris!" I scream as another mind-blowing orgasm washes over me making my body tremble...  I am lying face down on the bed... My ass up as Chris is pushing my head in the bed... He is fucking me hard our bodies slapping together... After eating me out like i was his last meal making me come over and over until i begged him to fuck me, he was now just doing that... Fucking me hard absolutely destroying me... Fucking me through my orgasm... I had told him that today and tomorrow until Jack was back, he had free use of me... Whenever he wanted... He could do whatever he wanted, and he took it to heart... I was his toy to use as he pleased... And God i did not regret it one bit...

He had been throwing me around the bed fucking me in every position possible... He would fold me in half and now i was in his favorite position... Ass up... My skin was tingling from where he spanked me over and over... He pulls me up onto my hand and knees and i whimper as i feel his finger circle my other hole... "Can i angel..." He groans and i moan a soft yes... I hear him spit and i feel him spread his saliva spread around my hole before he pushes a finger in and i groan... 

"Fuuuuuck angel..." He growls and i moan and whimper at the new feeling as he slowly fucks my ass with his finger all the while still thrusting into my pussy... "Fuck angel you were not kidding when i said i could do anything..." He growls and lets out a groan... "No... I am yours to do with as you please Mr. Evans..." I groan... "Such a good fucking girl... My little toy... Good girl taking me so good... Always taking me so fucking good... Like the good girl you are..." He growls and i whimper at his praise...

I just couldn't get over the feeling of his dick and finger filling me because it feels so good, better than i ever could have imagined... "Do you like that angel..." He groans and i whimper as he snaps his hips forward... "Fuck yes... feels so good..." I moan... I had to admit it hurt a bit, but it also felt so pleasurable... "Fuck going to cum angel..." He growls and hadn't even gotten the words out of his mouth or i could feel him fill me up sending me over the edge one final time...

I let myself drop on the bed totally and thoroughly fucked out... Exhaustion takes over and Chris pulls out and crawls next to me... "Are you okay?" He asks his voice sounding a little unsure and i giggle... "I am good... More than good..." I hum giving him a lazy smile and i look at him... "Chris... Can i say something and you dont freak out..." I whisper and he nods... "You can always say anything you want angel..." He murmurs and leans over and plants a kiss on my lips making me hum and smile again... 

"I want a baby..." I whisper and for a moment he looks at me stunned but he quickly gets a smile on his face... "What about the wedding...?" He says and i sigh... "If you want a spring wedding and you get pregnant within a few months you will be about 6 months along..." Chris whispers and i sigh again and nod... "It is not sure i will get pregnant right away.... But okay... We will wait..." I mumble but i can't help but feel a bit disappointed... 

"Hey... Angel... Look at me..." Chris whispers as he noticed my disappointment... I look up and he smiles..."I didn't say that angel... You want a baby... You get a baby... Nothing would make me happier than adding a baby to our family..." He says grinning... "It just means we are going to have the wedding sooner..." He says and i look at him shocked... "You say that as if you can plan a wedding just like that..." I whisper and he grins... "Because i already found the perfect location Angel and it is available to us whenever we want..." He says and i smile as he pulls a blanket over me as i start to shiver coming down from my high and feel cold... "Where is that?" I ask letting out a little hum and he smiles... "The backyard..." He says and i look at him and smile... "Here me out... We can decorate it in any way we want... We have privacy dont have to travel and..." He says but i lean over kissing him shutting him up... 

"Sounds perfect..." I say and he gets the biggest smile on his face... "Instead of wedding gifts we could ask guests to make a donation to Christophers haven or the children's cancer fund..." I whisper and Chris smiles and nods... "That sounds like a great idea..." He says and kisses me again... "When?" I ask and he chuckles... "In 4 weeks..." He says and my eyes grow wide... "Chris i dont even have a dress yet..." I say in shock, and he smiles... "I have some contacts... We will get you a dress..." He says smirking and i smile... "A summer wedding is nice to, right?" He says and i nod and smile... "A summer wedding it is..." I say and he smiles...

My stomach growls and Chris chuckles... "I'll order food... What do you want...?" He whispers and i hum... "Yes... Food...!" I say excitedly and Chris smirks... "Pancakes... With bacon and syrup... And some fresh fruit... Oh now scratch that... I want waffles with cream and fresh fruit..." I say and Chris laughs... "Breakfast for dinner it is..." He says and i chuckle... "I can't wait to see what your cravings are going to be..." Chris says grinning... "You say that now but just wait until i kick you out of bed at 2 in the morning to get me something i am craving..." I say grinning and Chris grins back... "I dont care... Anything you want Mrs. Evans you will get..." He says and i giggle... "I am going to hold you to that..." I whisper and he kisses me again... "I mean it angel... Anything for you..." He says and i blush... "Sappy..." I whisper and he grins... "For you always..." He says and i giggle as he pulls me into him... We cuddle as we wait for our food... 

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