Chapter 104

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"You are pregnant...?" Chris whispers putting his hand on my stomach as we are inside out of view of our guests... I smile and nod... "Yes sappy... I am pregnant..." I whisper letting out a chuckle... "It went a bit quicker than we had thought and planned..." I whisper and he smiles and sinks down on his knees... I run my hand through his hair as he plants a kiss on my stomach... "Hey baby... I am your dad... I already love you so much..." He whispers and i smile and leaned down and kiss him...

"Jack knew?" Chris asks looking up at me amazed and i nod... "Yeah... I wanted to tell you today but i didn't want him to be ambushed by the news... Just in case he had a bad reaction..." I whisper and Chris smiles... "How did he react..." Chris asks and i smile and walk over to my phone and i pull up the video... "You filmed it?" He asks and i nodded... "I didn't want you to miss out on his reaction... We can also go back to the doctor so you can see our baby..." I say before i play the video and Chris has the biggest smile on his face as he sees Jack his amazing reaction including the twinkle in his eyes at the thought of becoming a big brother... 

Then he sees me and Jack giggling as we plan how to tell Chris... "I am amazed by the fact that he really kept it a secret..." I whisper and Chris chuckles... "Me to..." He mumbles and i smile as he stands up and puts his hand on my stomach again... "A baby..." He whispers and i smile... "I am about 7 weeks a long..." I whisper and Chris looks at me shocked... "But you only got your birth control removed 3 weeks ago..." He says his eyes growing wide and i chuckle... "Nothing is a hundred % save..." I whisper and Chris grins... "Nothing can stop my swimmers..." He says flexing and i laugh... 

"Do you remember that i was so tired and we thought it was from all the planning and emotions and such..." I whisper and Chris eyes grow wide... "You were already pregnant..." He whispers as the realization sets in and i nod... "Yes..." I say and Chris wraps me in his arms... "When you said you wanted a baby... You were already pregnant..." He says and i chuckle and nod... "Are you feeling okay... Is today not too much... Do you need something... Water... something to eat..." Chris says rambling and i chuckle... 

"I am feeling good... But i have one request..." I say and he smiles... "Anything..." He says with the biggest smile on his face... "No shoving cake in my face... The thought alone of having to eat cake makes me sick..." I say blushing and Chris smiles... "I wasn't planning on shoving cake in your face angel..." He whispers and i smile... 

Chris smiles and kisses me before taking my hand... "Now let me take a good look at you..." He says and he twirls me around... I giggle... "Can you help me get the veil of the dress... That will make it easier to move around..." I say and Chris nods and he gently removes the veil of the dress... "You look absolutely breath-taking angel..." He says and i blush... I was about to say something when there was a knock on the door, and it flew open, and Jack ran in making us smile... 

"Did you like the surprise dad?" He squeals jumping into his arms still holding the test and the ultrasound... "I love it bud... You are going to be a big brother..." Chris says and Jack's face lights up... "Sorry i couldn't stop him he wanted to go to you two..." Lisa says appearing and i can see she has tears in her eyes but a smile on her face... I smile and while Chris is talking with Jack looking at the ultrasound i walk over to her and hug her tightly... "It is okay..." I whisper and she hugs me a little tighter... "Congratulations sweetheart... How far along are you?" She whispers and i smile... "Thank you... 7 weeks... I blame you with your give me more grandkids talks..." I say joking and she chuckles... "Oh today is such a good day...  You 3 make me so happy... The ceremony was perfect... It was sweet and funny absolutely amazing... It was just pure love..." She says after we both pulled back, and we all look at her smiling... "But did you really had to say that about Ava's.... Behind..." She says and i start to laugh as Chris starts to smirk... "Yes, i really needed to say that..." He says and i giggle as Lisa rolls her eyes... 

"Dinner will be served in a few minutes..." Lisa says and i nod but i am not really hungry and i hope that the meal i chose will agree with me... 

Chris smiles and kisses the top of my head. "If you want something else to eat, we can order you something..." Chris mumbles and i chuckle at the idea of the fancy meal, being replaced for me with takeout... Lisa walks out and i smile as Chris takes my hand and with him having Jack on his arm, we walk outside... 

Everybody cheers and claps and we both have the biggest smiles on our faces... "Dinner will be served in a few minutes! So please find your seats..." Lisa yells and i smile as she naturally takes control, and everyone starts to find their seats...

Chris leads me to our table with a view over the whole seating area. He puts Jack down and Lisa takes him to the kids' area with the entertainer/babysitter we had hired. I smile as the kids are smiling and laughing... Chris pulls out my chair and i kiss him before sitting down and as soon as we do we hear the sound of metal against glass, and we look up as Scott is standing up... Chris takes a deep breath and i chuckle... He had been worried about his speech as Scott has been teasing him for the last two weeks about it... I take Chris his hand in mine, and he looks at me and smiles as Scott clears his throat...  

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